Buddypress gifts component
I write buddypress gifts component from skeleton component but confusing about upload to plugin repository. anyone can explain how to upload to repository?
admin panel: upload image, edit gift name, remove gift, category and point (but no point system to hook with now)
user screen: select gift from gifts panel using jquery and write a message
not keep sended gifts data in db but using activity stream keep them so user can delete or reply using activity stream function.
can i download this somewhere??
You should have a WordPress account and then go to:
Submit your plugin, and it will get added to the repository after it has been approved.. this will take a short while
Once you’ve done what Bowe has said.
You will need to know how to use SVN or you can use a SVN client.
If you’re using Windows, TortoiseSVN is the most popular SVN program..
Here’s a nice tutorial for Tortoise:
Thanks Bowe and r-a-y , that a good tutorial i will try it.
dre1080 if you want to test this plugin you can download here
but for testing only because i dont cleanup the code (still have some debug message) and not delete table after deactivate plugin
for delete plugin, deactivate and delete then delete wp_bp_gifts table and activity stream type new_gifts.
for installation, extract in plugin folder and activate plugin.
i use free gift image from iconpedia.com so if you have own image (64*64px) place image on includes/images folder before activate plugin (or add one by one in admin panel)
this is my first plugin, please give suggestion if it have any bad code or function
thanks, what does this plugin do exactly? where do users go to send gifts??
it like others social network gifts
when you see other member profile it will show gifts tab that you can chose gift and type your message then it create activity stream with gifts icon and your message to that member.
when user click gift tab on own profile they will see activity stream with type new_gifts on gift tab.
this is a screen shot
Very promising plugin. A few issues I’ve found ….
The code to remove the “high-five” notification was commented out.
Gifts sent to my admin account don’t show under Gifts. This is happening for one of my users as well. Gifts sent to him or myself simply don’t show. It stills shows in the user activity stream who sent the gift however.
@deities1 thanks for comment
first version i dont cleanup the code (coding from skeleton comp) because i want to see what others think about it so i can correct and add function it should be.
do you have a example that gift was not show? name of user?
I test on my site, It can send to admin normally.
what do you mean “Gifts sent to him or myself simply don’t show”?
for sender activity stream it show gift that him send, including in public activity stream (like other activity stream). for this, I see activity stream have hide from public but not test it yet.
because i am coding badge plugin for budypress so maybe next sunday i will upload next version of bpgift (still confusing with subversion – -” ).
thing to do:
1. cleanup the code
2. hide stream from public (if possible)
3. deactivate plugin function
4. correct the bug (?)
Any gifts sent to me (admin) or this one specific user don’t show under gifts.
We still receive gift notification … and it shows that the gift was sent but under our gift screen it still says no gifts have been received.
Hrmmm…. I can’t pinpoint the problem.
Weird that gifts don’t show in either of our activity streams when someone sends one to us. Everyone else properly receives the gifts.
aHa! So the problem arises when the login name is different than the user name. I just checked the user list and we are the only two members with different user names than our login. So if the login and username do not match … the gift is not sent to their activity stream. Definitely something you might want to look into.
Thanks detities1
I see the point, I will check it.
Sounds good! I would sift through the code and attempt to fix it myself but I’m working on something else at the moment. Let us know what to fix when you figure it out.
hi, for update i not yet update gift plugin because I am coding new buddypress badge plugin (just finished it) so next version for buddypress gift will pospond to the next week.
if anyone interest to test badge plugin (before upload to wp) you can get it from my blog.
Looking forward for the gift plugin!
Thanks, warut!
warut, hello! when you will update plugin?
you said next week, we still wait
i have same problem. gifts are not show in profil page and problem with submit button
@asaubota can you explain it in detail?
sorry for pospond i have to fix some bug in buddypress badge before upload to wp repository.
@warut I am having some issues myself, I installed buddypress gift plugin
It works in activity feed see here admin gives reddog a gift “http://www.pandragon.com/members/admin/” here is gift area for him “http://www.pandragon.com/members/reddog/gifts/”
Can you join and help see what problem is perhaps? 😮
Also How can I edit it so that I can specify a url to the image? For instance I want to make a series of casino chips with codes on them and give them as presents which will be free $25 casino chip etc so would need to have the url with the image so when they click on gift it goes to landingpage for that gift
@warut, gifts are sent and its shown in activity stream but in users profile page no gifts. and problem with send button. users click many times
Oh ok it looks like if the profile name is different to the user name it doesnt show up
see here pan profile name same as user name http://www.pandragon.com/members/pan/gifts/
here henry has his name in profile and username is different http://www.pandragon.com/members/hbrennan/gifts/
@pandragon i already received error about difference username and login name and think it will fix in next upload.
your first post, specify url to the image? what do you mean? Is it add a link to and image that show on activity stream? for that you have to add URL field in bp_gifts like
gift_url varchar(100) NOT NULL
and edit function bpgifts_sendgift_updatedb() in bp-gifts-ajax.php
and add url in $content = ‘<img class=”gift-image” src=”‘. $_POST[‘gift_path’] .'” />displayed_user->domain.'”>@’.$bp->displayed_user->fullname.’ ‘.$_POST[‘gift_message’];
… many place to edit
ps. your web look good
@asaubota gift not display is same bug with pandragon.
user click many time because i not disable button after click , about this i will use simple redirect page to same page so user can not click many time (in first, i will disable button and insert activity stream with ajax so user not have to refresh page but it have a lot of think to work)
Hi Warut! Also I notice the “featured casinos” I have on top sidebar doesn’t work on gifts area I think it having some kind of css name conflict? Thanks for info on image & link I’ll try this
@pandragon maybe some css use display:none, do you use jquery with featured casino? if yes try look at that.
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