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BuddyPress Group – Load Newest Activity (Bug)

  • GyziieDK


    Hello guys!

    I’ve noticed that when I’m on a (private) group’s own activity wall and I wait for a few seconds – it comes up with a button to “Load Newest” activites. When this button is pressed it loads EVERYTHING from the main activity wall and not just the items from that specific group.

    The meaning behind the “Load Newest” when within a group, should (I assume) be to load the newest posts/activites within that specific (again private) group. Anything else makes no sense.

    Also when page is refreshed all the activites that dosen’t belong in the group is removed.

    Is anyone else having the same issue or is this just a third party conflict on my end?

    If anyone else is having the same issue, then this should be fixed/looked into in an upcomming update for sure.

    If anyone has a solution to this, please let me know! 🙂


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  • GyziieDK


    @imath another bug for the list – know anyone who might be able to help/look into this?

    Mathieu Viet


    Thanks for your feedback, you’re right it should only load newest activities about the specific group. I’ll look at it asap.

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