BuddyPress Group Tags is now available
checkout my new plugin here: wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-group-tags/
I’ve recently upgraded it so that it plays nicely with ajax in BuddyPress. It also has an improved tag adding interface. If you download and try it out, please rate it. and provide feedback.
Yes!! Awesome
Thank you so much
Great plugin, @dwenaus how about extending it to let users tag themselves?
@Wildrot – good idea, but the tag adding interface would have to be much improved, which would be a fair amount of work. If you are interested in doing it, please join in and help code it.
@Dwenaus – I think my statement was quite capable of being misunderstood.
What I actually meant to say was:
It would be a good idea to extend this plugin in such a way that users would be treated the same way the groups currently are.
Users could assign tags to themselves (e.g. Wildrot: brown-haired, brown-eyed, non-programmer) and the user directory could be searched via these tags.
how about extending it to let users tag themselves?
If this were to be implemented, it should be an option. I, for one, wouldn’t like to have hundreds of tags.
@Dwenaus Thanks for this very useful plugin.
I think if that were to happen, it would be a good thing for the BP core team to do, because it would mean extending tagging to all parts of buddypress, including plugins. that would not be a small project and is best done by the same minds that created BP in the first place. Great ideas, but I’m afraid I’m not the one to do it.
is that plugin internationalized or can i only change the text in the bp-group-tags.php???
@0815t – I can internationalize it for your pretty quickly. I’ll update it later today probably.
@0815t – ok it is internationalized
you can create a .mo file and put it in a folder called lang in the plugin folder and it should work. I have yet to create a .pot file. but will when it is updated in the repository.
@Dwenaus WOW!!! you are great!!! Thank you very much!!!!
@Dwenaus can I display the results of a tag in a custom loop? I cant seem to figure it out.
@roadblock – I’m not sure I understand what you need to do. Can you explain a bit more. you can use the bp_has_groups() (https://codex.buddypress.org/developer-docs/custom-buddypress-loops/the-groups-loop/) to display groups and pass a variable to it in three ways as an $bp->current_action which is just a url such as groups/myaction/ or you can use ajax to send a query string (kinda complex) or you can use the $_POST variable. Custom groups lists are kinda messy in Buddypress and not easy to implement, I kind of hacked this usability together. good luck.
yep, thats what I was looking to do and was hoping I was missing an easy way to do this.. Thanx
Loving it, will come to great use.
One thing though; isn’t this basically a lightweight, yet 1.2 compatible variety of BpContents?
https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bpcontents/I’ve tried getting in touch with Burt Adsit to no avail, but his code might still be useful?
yes it is, I havn’t looked a Burt’s code. And I’m pretty sure that other project is dead, there hasn’t been a peep out of burt for months.
Burt’s definitive absence is exactly why I brought it up
So, you think the changes in BP from 1.0 to 1.2 are too vast to consider simply bringing his plugin up to date for the latest version of BuddyPress then?
@dwenaus – awesome plugin but I have one problem with it. When I create a new group and going from step 2 (settings) to step 3 (upload avatar) it loses the tags I have added on the first screen. The only way to add them again is to go edit the group. I’m running WP 3.0 and the latest version of BP.
It adds tags when you update a group but not when you create a group
I have looked at the database, it adds it to the wp_bp_groups_groupmeta table on step 2 when creating a group but as soon as you go to step 3, it deletes it.
Got it working, used the code @r-a-y suggests here: https://buddypress.org/community/groups/creating-extending/forum/topic/g-field-this-plugin-adds-an-additional-field-to-group-creation/
update *
It works now with the group creation but not when editing a group.
Can anyone help me with this?
I got it to work, with r-a-y’s help, what do you need help with? The only thing not working on my side it the tag selector, ( the ajax, I think? )
Here’s the amended code http://pastebin.com/HW7W113Wreplace bp-group-tags.php with this
Has anyone used the tags to sort groups into, well , groups? I have over 100 groups the site I am about to launch and a tabbed UI would be awesome. Can build it myself, but wanted to check and see if anyone had done it already.
Thanks @nit3watch
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