Buddypress login below Navigation Menue
Hi Together,
i want to have to BuddyPress login/register/myAccount in the Header Area, below the navigation menue.
<a href="http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/view/header8bqd4u2yh0.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/thumbnail/header8bqd4u2yh0_thumb.jpg" border="0" /></a>
The pic is just an WooCommerce example. which uses followin code:
—->What could be the relevant BP code so that I’m able that the users have the same, buttons of Login/Register/MyAccount.<?php if (in_array('woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters('active_plugins', get_option('active_plugins')))) { global $woo_options, $woocommerce; if (!is_user_logged_in()) { ?> <ul class="account"> <li class="login"> <a>" title="<?php _e('Log in', 'gp'); ?>"><?php _e('Log in', 'gp'); ?></a> </li> <li class="signin"> <a>" title="<?php _e('Sign in', 'gp'); ?>"><?php _e('Sign in', 'gp'); ?></a> </li> </ul><!-- END // account --> <?php } else { global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); ?> <ul class="account"> <li class="loggedin"> <a>" title="<?php _e('My Account', 'gp'); ?>"><?php _e('My Account', 'gp'); ?></a> </li> <li class="logout"> <a>" title="<?php _e('Log out', 'gp'); ?>"><?php _e('Log out', 'gp'); ?></a> </li> </ul><!-- END // account -->
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