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BuddyPress not sending confirmation emails

  • mcaravaglia


    I have seen this posted elsewhere on the forum, so I am curious if a fix is forthcoming? As mentioned above, I have tested this with the 2017 Theme and the issue is the same, so it is not a conflict with the Theme. You mention opening a “Trac Ticket” for bugs, but I have no idea what that is, or how to do it.

    When a user registers on my website, through BuddyPress, an email is supposed to be sent to the user for them to confirm, before the registration becomes active. This email is never sent. I have tried disabling the BuddyPress plugin and then the email does get sent, so it is clearly a BP issue. As some users have suggested, I tried the plugin wp-mail-smtp, but that failed to work for me. I also do not think adding another plugin, as a bandage, is the right answer.

    A double opt-in is critical for the website I am building and I will not be able to use BP if the issue cannot be resolved.

    I look forward to your response on this. Thank you.


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