buddypress + p2 theme
I can’t understand what you are saying. I believe p2 uses posts for each update even thought they look like comments so I think this is working correctly.
In user blog is OK post + comment (ex tom3.jatymy.eu). In main site (jatymy.eu) in Site Wide Activity post appears really after writing comment in user blog.
Use the latest trunk, I believe this was a bug I fixed.
i think the problem your having is the fact that p2 is not a “buddypress theme”
like in the main theme how it has a large widget area and 2 small ones, and also has a BLOG tab where the main blog is
the problem your having with p2 (and any other standard wordpress theme) is the BLOG tab is displayed on the main page rather than a large widget sidebar, as the recent blog posts thing is actually a widget, if you put this widget in your p2 sidebar you will see a direct comparison between the 2
currently you cant have a p2 “theme” that aggregates ALL blog posts like the buddypress widget does,
all the users will be posting to the main blog if you want them to use p2, and if you do then the current skin should be fine? it was designed to show comments
im sure you could add some nice jscript to add collapsing comments? this would probably bring better functionallity to your site if you didnt want the comments taking up the whole page?
I installed latest trunk, but nothing changed
P2 theme be used ONLY in users’ own blog (subdomain). It on main side (domain) is “buddypress – home” theme.
could you open a new ticket here? https://trac.buddypress.org/newticket ?
I have just run into this (I think) – a post on my blog using P2 doesn’t appear on the main blog in the Sitewide activity; I guess it’s just missing an action call.
This evening when I get in I will fix it and update this thread with the fix.
Has anybody made P2 theme a member theme for BP, that looks like this buddypress site?
I haven’t looked at this directly, but I suspect this is due to the nature of the AJAX that is making the new post versus it being created in the WordPress admin area. This means that either BuddyPress needs a plugin to hook into whatever P2 is doing, or vice versa.
I have worked with this a bit. Tis true.. when posting using the JSON ajax inline posting.. no activity in sitewide. but comments or posting from the backend is a-ok. sitewide tags picks up the inline posts, but not sitewide activity feed. you can see here – http://cackalaki.com/wp-admin/ user: guest – pass: guest. good luck DJPaul… it might help to know that it does pick up the inline posts from p2 in recent blog post.
Ok, so this is with the current download-able version of P2 (not a trunk version):
functions.php – in function prologue_new_post():
//Find these two lines at the bottom of the function:
echo $post_id? $post_id : '0';
//Above them, put this:
if ( $post_id ) do_action( 'edit_post', $post_id, get_post( $post_ID ) );
functions.php – in function prologue_new_post_noajax():
//Find these two lines at the bottom of the function:
wp_redirect( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) . '/' );
//Above them, put this:
if ( $post_id ) do_action( 'edit_post', $post_id, get_post( $post_ID ) );
Hey, I’ve just written to and received an email from one of the guys – Noel – who’ve done the P2 theme and he seems willing to look at some additions to better support plugins and widgets that rely on what are otherwise standard filter actions.
The above works as an interim but hopefully at next weekend I can go over it all and check things properly, then feed back to Noel.
kudos to DJPaul, nice job, that does work.. if you gotta donate button somewhere? I’ll buy you a pint of Guinness.
There’s a donate link to my paypal on the right-hand side of this page https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/welcome-pack/
that should buy you three or so beers at a tavern, I forgot about the pounds/dollars conversion rate.. now if we could only get every other sucker in these forums that just hijacks free code, ask for free help and then complains when it doesn’t work… several of you guys (you know who you are) might have a decent beer fund going.. cheers!
Thanks so much sir!
Hi DJPaul,
I am interested in the P2 theme for BP as well.
Could you please send me the URL of your website at which you are using the P2 with BP (in order to see how this works) ?
Am willing to pay a couple beers as well if I am gonna be using it……
It’s Automattic’s theme, and they use it on http://wpdevel.wordpress.com/
I recommend the Post Haste WP plugin: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/posthaste/ to replicate some of the functionality of P2, but having the advantage of theme portability.
It took me weeks to find it, but I think it’s pretty great.
Just tried Posthaste. It adds a P2-derived post form at the top of every loop – and I mean literally every loop in the site, including member loops and group loops. And it doesn’t seem to work either.
Has anyone else tried P2 within Buddypress by now, in particular on member blogs and group blogs? I’m working on it, but got stuck…
in the FAQ of posthaste, you can disable the automatic placement in the loop and manually put the code to place it in your theme. That worked great for me. I put the code just inside the content container on my blog template for my sub blogs and it worked beautifully. When I get to work, I’ll send you the code I used if you’re interested.
I’ve tried P2 with the new Buddypress theme extension pack. Follow the how-to that Andy posted and you’ll see that it does work with Buddypress. Will require some styling though…
Scotm, where can I find Andy’s how-to and that Buddypress theme extension pack? Will it work for version 1.1.3?
Either way I’d like to learn more. I’m halfway integrating P2 into my custom theme, but can’t get the Ajax editing to work and all posts end up on the main blog instead of on the group or member blog.
Yes Symm2112, also definitely interested in your code. I’ll give Posthaste another try with your info. Perhaps I can put a new hybrid with Andy’s P2 solution together, that I will post here.
EDIT: Is P2 integrated in the version 1.2 custom theme? Anyway, I want to use that ajaxified microblogging interface on the group blog main page in a heavily customized version 1.1.3 theme and keep the blogs looking like blogs.
Andy’s post on t how to make your WordPress theme work with BuddyPress can be found under Developers > Docs > How-to Guides. The extension pack can be downloaded from there. Follow the directions and you will have P2 working, but you’ll likely need to make some style adjustments in bp/bp.css for example as a minimum.
I think you need to upgrade to BP 1.2 before you do anything. There is an element of P2 features in the new BuddyPress (post-form) and the Default theme but P2 is in no way integrated with BP 1.2.
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15 years, 10 months ago
In users’ blog I applied p2 template. Interesting because in Recent Posts new post appears immediately and in Site Wide Activity really after writing to him comment (jatymy.eu). This is some mistake?