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Buddypress Registation-related pages & buttons not showing

  • @sophieverlinden



    I created a website using a buddypress theme called socialize, but some things aren’t working. The register & activate pages are blank, the login and register button in the menu above are not showing and the buddypress registration widget doesn’t show either.

    Concerning the blank pages I have already read a few topics online and did some checks:
    – the anyone can register button is selected
    – the register.php and activate.php files are not missing in the buddypress files
    – the pages do exist but are blank, and in the buddypress settings they have been assigned as register and activate pages.

    The only thing I haven’t done is strip everything down; deactivate all the plugins and switch to default theme. I could do that, but do I lose configuration I already did to my theme now? I don’t want to lose work.

    Can anyone help me? It’s driving me crazy.


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  • @henrywright


    The only thing I haven’t done is strip everything down; deactivate all the plugins and switch to default theme. I could do that, but do I lose configuration I already did to my theme now?

    In theory you should be able to switch theme without problems, but unfortunately this isn’t always the case. My advice would be to set up a testing install (a copy of your existing files and database) where you can try out the default theme, deactivate plugins without fear of losing anything etc.



    Thanks for your quick reply.
    Is this what you mean?

    Could there also be another solution, something I didn’t mention already?



    I haven’t read that article but I mean using a complete WordPress install as a testing environment. It’s important to have something separate from your live website.




    I have exactly the same problem as Sophie…

    I’m not sure where to find : – the register.php and activate.php

    Budypress 2.6.2
    Wp : 4.5.3
    Template : Twenty Fourteen.

    If someone could help… 🙂

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