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BuddyPress says themes are missing, but they aren't

  • 4715021

    Just upgraded to 1.1 and it went very smoothly. I got to the final step regarding templates, followed the instructions as listed, but I’m not having any luck.

    I’m just trying to get the default theme up and running, and I placed both the bp-sn-parent and bp-default directories in wp-content/themes directory as directed. I’ve tripled checked this. Both themes are enabled in WPMU as they should be.

    I have deleted the old bp-themes folder within wp-content as well, as directed.

    However, when I try to activate the themes within BP, I get this message:

    You do not have any BuddyPress themes installed.

    Please move the default BuddyPress themes to their correct location (move /home/directory/directory2/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ to /home/directory/directory2/wp-content/bp-themes/) and reload this page. You can download more themes here.

    BP does not recognize the activated themes in the wp-content/themes directory. If I re-create and re-upload the wp-content/bp-themes directory, the themes are recognized.

    I may be able to live with that, if it worked. No matter which theme I select, as it saves, it reverts to the Parent theme (it does not matter if it’s active or not, it’s always there and always reverts).

    Anyone have anything on this? I can’t be the only person with this issue.

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  • John James Jacoby


    You shouldn’t need to activate a BuddyPress specific theme anymore…


    Really? The drop down box is listed as “Select theme to use for BuddyPress generated pages:” Right now it says “No Themes Installed.”, along with the big, red warning posted above.

    Additionally, when I try to visit a BP generated page, I get “Sorry, we’re not sure what you’re looking for here.” My assumption is that’s because of the lack of a theme.


    Also, step 9 in the upgrade instructions reads…

    If you are using the default themes: Delete the /wp-content/bp-themes/ folder. Move the /bp-default/ and /bp-sn-parent/ folders from the /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ folder and put them into the folder /wp-content/themes/ — Enable the BuddyPress default theme in the “Site Admin > Themes” menu. Finally, activate the BuddyPress default theme in “Appearance > Themes” for the root blog of your installation.

    Is that incorrect? Sorry, I may just be missing how the themes have changed.


    You are not the only one with this issue. I have reinstalled this release about 6 times. By the numbers the first three to ensure I hadn’t missed a step.

    I am trouble-shooting this bloody issue and pulling my hair out. Somewhere in the directives of one of these files, it is still searching for the themes at /wp-content/bp-themes, despite the instructions stating to delete that directory and point to the new structure in this release of 1.1.

    If anyone figures this out, please post it up asap. I have been trouble-shooting all day and it seems this release was not stable. Kas3, no worries. You are not alone. I am debating digging into the code tonight, but am so annoyed with this right now, I may get back to it later.

    I’ll keep you posted if I resolve it.

    If you have deleted /wp-content/bp-themes and have activated bp-default in “Appearance > Themes” then this should not happen. If it does then there is a bug.

    It worked for me – and I suspect plenty of others – so there’s probably a bug lurking somewhere.

    So just to check – delete /wp-content/bp-themes/. Put the new two theme directories into /wp-content/themes/. At this point, going to the BuddyPress admin backend (in /wp-admin/) will get you a red warning box.

    Then go to, activate ‘BuddyPress Default’ (not ‘BuddyPress Social Network Parent Theme’). Then you should be able to activate the ‘BuddyPress Default 1.1’ theme on



    Hey there – I’m getting a similar, probably related issue.

    I have followed the steps above regarding moving the folders etc.

    However I am getting a ‘Broken Theme’ message: Stylesheet is missing & template is missing.

    Also ‘BuddyPress Default Home Theme 1.0.2’ appears to be the only BP related theme available.




    Hi – just an update on this:

    I unstalled & deleted Buddypress (a few times!)

    Then reinstalled BP manually by uploading zip file etc

    Did the file delete/move thing

    There were a few ‘null’ folders that crept in there somehow and contained element of the new BP theme folders so I had to delete these as well

    All appears to be functioning as it should.






    Does this mean that the Default theme must now be used as the primary Theme on a site?

    Previously, I was able to use a standard WordPress theme (vita) and link to my Community (Buddypress, using the 1.0.1 Default theme). From what I can see now though, if I want to use the Buddypress 1.1 Default theme, it needs to be activated as the primary theme. Is there any way around this? If not, this is a frustrating development indeed….

    You can use any theme you want on your WPMU install. But you will need to do work to customise it to support BuddyPress.



    Is there a tutorial online that can assist me with this? Or alternatively, is there a workaround for the issues I was facing with the user registration glitch I was having using the 1.0.1 Default theme with Buddypress 1.1? Everything was running very smoothly with 1.0.1 with the exception of the user registration.

    Jeff Sayre


    There’s a Codex article:

    Scroll down to the section entitled “I’ve used a WordPress theme for my blog with the default BuddyPress member theme”.

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