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Buddypress Social Group Activity Not Displaying

  • Pulse North



    I recently put together a site that uses Buddypress as a social area for users similar to Facebook. However, when a user posts within a group the post disappears upon refreshing the page, all that displays is “Sorry, there was no activity found. Please try a different filter.” I think this may be a theme conflict as when I revert the theme to TwentyFifteen it shows the posts, but am unsure how to resolve this, can anyone assist?

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  • danbp


    Hi @pulseorth,

    do you see php messages when you enable wp_debug in wp-config while using the custom a la facebook install/theme ?

    Pulse North


    Hi @danbp,

    I receive this message though not sure how to interpret?

    Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget in WPAC_Nav_Menu_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
    instead. in /home/content/n3pnexwpnas02_data03/00/3105300/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3718




    You said you made some custom work. Review your work and search for WP_Widget occurence, there is probably a little error somewhere and the reason of the php notice. Culprit seems to come from your custom work. You have to debug ! 😉

    Difficult to say exactly what’s going on and where. It could be a call to widget from within your theme, or a custom function you added or a plugin you use. That call is using an old method, or some old php coding. It can also be a JS conflict, which could explain why you don’t receive group activities or even a missing BP class or ID name.

    Read here, perhaps you can get an idea.

    And don’t panic, a php notice is not a hot security alert, just a tech message. You can live with it or try to repair (which would be better).

    Pulse North


    Hi @danbp,

    The theme itself wasn’t so much custom as just tweaked for purpose, it is a child theme of the Reverie theme ( which is a foundation and WordPress framework. There weren’t many (if any) theme changes made beyond the style sheet and I there aren’t any Widgets in use beyond the Buddypress sidebar ones.

    There are quite a few plugins in use though (23 in total) but when I left all of them activated and switched to the TwentyFifteen theme, the feed posts were visible again.

    I’m honestly not sure how to go about debugging this, as I’m a designer primarily and Javascript/PHP are not my strong points. Is there anything you can do to help?

    Thanks for your assistance so far!

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