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Bussdypress title and SEO Yoast problem

  • @gidantrip


    I have a problem with SEO Yoast title. In my buddypress page (activity, memeber, etc) title page doesnot appear! I use SEO YOAST plugin and when a disable it it does work correctly.
    What can I do????

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  • @henrywright


    Hi @gidantrip

    Please see 6107



    Sorry but I cant understand hot to resolve problem in that linked ticket!!!



    I’ve run into the same problem and asked for ideas around here and seen others that have posted about it in the yoast forums a few times – don’t know why yoast does not get into the bp pages thing. I got some help from the wpmu-dev guys that cobbled together some code that creates page titles and meta descriptions for members and groups pages – which is awesome!

    Does not fix the member/username/messages and similar sub-sub pages (but I block those with robots.txt wildcard matching anyhow)

    Would like to see buddypress pages added to some kind of taxonmie thing that yaost would auto pickup.. and love to see the options for setting templates within buddypress itself, so as to not rely on yaost for some this, and custom mu=plugins hack to fix other parts of it… google’s webmaster tools alerts missing info on many pages of an active bp site, and has for a long time.



    sorry but can you give me that code to fix problem?



    I wish I could… but things are really screwey right now from what I can tell. If you read the 6107 linked info you would see that there are essentially three different code bases / thingys going on right now that are all producing different title results – see this spreadhseet:

    I had some code cobbled together to make everything “work” as I needed to fix most of the buddypress titles – but that was with buddypress 2.1.1 and Yoast 1.7.2 – now it seems that updating to 2.2 and 174 my custom cobbled code gets broken..

    so now I have an updated site, and updated plugin from yaost.. but if I activate the yaost plugin it overrides my custom page title and meta description settings (from the code I have added in mu-plugins folder) – for now I have disabled yaost, which has brought back my custom code to add titles and descriptions to many bp pages! But now that yoast is turned off, I have lost the custom titles and descriptions for the main pages of the web site – meh.

    Ash and Vladislav from came up with this code to wrap to fix my issues as it were before the latest yoast updates:
    (hmm.. I tried posting the code, and I get “Error your reply cannot be created at this time” – stupid – I think the word seks is offensive along with alt seks lifestyles here – anyway – you can probably see the code without being a member / loggin in here anyways:

    Some of that is hard coded instead of how it could be done (there is stuff in the codex about another method of calling “field’ => ‘age’, ‘user_id’ => $user_id))” stuff…. and there is not php tag at opening to make it plugin..



    not work πŸ™



    Hey all,
    After a few weeks of searching I found the solution to this – it’s a beautiful plugin called Plugin Organizer

    You can use it to disable Yoast on buddypress pages and viola!
    Just create a plugin filter for*, /groups/*, etc. and you’re golden.



    I solved this error without having to disable the SEO in BuddyPress pages, and without having to touch the core of the plugin.
    I’ll leave here (add in functions.php):

    function wpseo_fix_title_buddypress($title) {
        // Check if we are in a buddypress page 
        if (function_exists( 'buddypress') && buddypress()->displayed_user->id || buddypress()->current_component ) {
            $bp_title_parts = bp_modify_document_title_parts();
            // let's rebuild the title here
            $title = $bp_title_parts['title'] . ' ' . $title;
        return $title;
    add_filter( 'wpseo_title', 'wpseo_fix_title_buddypress');

    maybe this code or something similar would need to be implemented in Yoast SEO plugin… maybe.



    Thanks @r0z for the elegant solution.

    I would just add that in order to prevent PHP Notices, change the qualifier to the following:

    if ( function_exists( 'buddypress') && ( !empty( buddypress()->displayed_user->id ) || !empty( buddypress()->current_component ) ) ) {



    following this




    Thanks a lot for your code ,, after we use your code why the BP page title always show MEMBERS name + first blog name + site name … what’s wrong with it please ?

    We the first blog name always show in every bp page title ?? ONLY only me meet this question ??

    Please anyone know why ?

    You can check this bp page title from this link here :





    Thanks a lot for your code ,, after we use your code why the BP page title always show MEMBERS name + first blog name + site name … what’s wrong with it please ?

    We the first blog name always show in every bp page title ?? ONLY only me meet this question ??

    Please anyone know why ?

    You can check this bp page title from this link here :

    every member’s page alway show MEMBERS name + first blog name + site name

    open member’s page here




    And also after add the code :

    these thress page titles now :

    Groups Groups – site title
    Members Members – site title
    Site-Wide Activity Activity – site title



    I have the same problem.



    @technologypoet has mentioned the solution




    but that plugin not update over 1 year




    HI How could you resolve it ?




    @mingjie0409 did u test/check it? works for me



    thanks for this! work for me πŸ™‚



    I have another potential fix if the above one is not working for anyone.

    if ( ! function_exists( 'myarcadetheme_remove_bp_wpseo_title' ) && function_exists( 'wpseo_auto_load' ) ) { function myarcadetheme_remove_bp_wpseo_title() { if ( ! bp_is_blog_page() ) { $myarcadetheme_front_end = WPSEO_Frontend::get_instance(); remove_filter( 'pre_get_document_title', array( $myarcadetheme_front_end, 'title' ), 15 ); } } add_action( 'init', 'myarcadetheme_remove_bp_wpseo_title' ); }

    You can add that in a site plugin or a child theme’s functions.php

    Also feel free to rename the function to whatever you want \0 I like to keep it the name of the theme I am using



    Confirming, that @destac solution works ok.
    First appeared in a Yoast/wordpress-seo repository open issue.



    good news!

    how to change the “Title – SiteName” to “Title | SiteName”




    Put this code in functions.php of your (child) theme.

    function lagodny_document_title_separator_pipe( $separator ) {
        return '|';
    add_filter('document_title_separator', 'lagodny_document_title_separator_pipe');

    I assume that you are on the WordPress 4.4+.



    Hi guys… I know this is a bit old.
    I would LOVE to have it as this.
    name – gender – age – city |

    I use the extended profile fields (gender) <- drop down pick only one., (Birthday) as primary and (city) text box.

    All are primary and required. I had something like this before (not buddypress) and I found the search results awesome.

    Thank you if anyone could help.
    The above code works like a charm.



    Quick update. SORRY GUYS. my site needs first name last name. So if anyone does know how I would like it like this first name{space}last name – gender – age – city |

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