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Can’t Register, Help!

  • I don’t know why, but users can’t register a new member account with buddypress on my site now. Here is my registration page. After entering in details and clicking the submit button, it just reloads the same page again. Why would this be happening? This is very bad. Could someone try registering a new user on this page? Thanks!!

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  • It even does it with the default BP theme and all plugins disabled. This is really bad, I really really really need help, please someone help me, my client will be upset if his site is not ready by deadline.

    UPDATE: it is not uppercase letters issue, either, made sure of that.

    Also, I have made sure that “User Accounts May Be Registered” is checked.

    UPDATE: I just found out that BuddyPress does this same exact thing whenever any action for input submission takes place. For example, I just tried creating a new group (with my existing super admin user) and after entering the title and group description, I hit the button and it just reloaded the same page once again. I don’t have any caching plugins installed, besides, I already tried deactivating all plugins. What in the world?

    *pulls hair out*



    Can you create a new user through wp-admin/user-new.php ?

    If so, then there is a problem in your theme.

    No, I already tried changing theme to twenty eleven and disabling all plugins, which means it can’t be the theme or the plugins. Also, it’s NOT a registration problem per say because every BuddyPress page which submits info is doing this, for example, the Add Group page does the same thing if I try adding a group… after adding title and group description, the same page just reloads and the group is not added.

    And this happens with no plugins and default BP theme.



    The link that you gave in the first post gives an HTTP 404 Not Found error.

    Have you checked your permalinks? It might be an idea to save them again and check that the .htaccess file looks correct.

    Have you deleted any buddypress page at any time? Make sure that the trash is deleted permanently and the permalinks are saved again ( just visiting the page should do that but it is as well to make sure )

    I may have been trying something, here is the link and its now on the default buddypress theme with plugins disabled:

    Yes, I had to re-create the pages for this new site, but I deleted the trash, I will try resaving permalinks, thanks…. get back to you.



    still not found in ie9 even with cleared cache via developer tools (f12)

    What is weird is that it works in firefox

    UPDATE: ok just made sure all trashes were emptied and re-saved permalinks again. No luck.

    What could be causing this?

    Ok, that is weird, well one thing at a time I suppose, in firefox can you register an account on that page? I’m afraid that if I try to re-install BuddyPress it’s just going to do the same thing.

    Can you register an account in Firefox?? And what would cause all BP submission forms to reload the same page after clicking the button?

    Maybe a little background will help… originally, I was not able to delete a group, most likely due to the same issue, since it required data submission (which BP seems to be blocking) and so I went into the database and simply deleted the few records in the following tables:


    But I was told this was fine and didn’t affect anything in BP. Doesn’t seem like this would be it though since I wasn’t able to delete the group before using the BP Delete group form.

    BuddyPress is just not accepting any data input at all. It’s as if it’s being blocked and the same page just reloads every time you do anything, create a group, delete a group, register, edit profile… nothing can be submitted at all.



    I don’t know what is going on….
    Some pages are not found, some pages look like bp-default and some pages are what appears to be parallelus-mingle ….

    I just switched the theme! *sigh* thats why.. I am using mingle theme now, please please can you see if you can register now? I would like to know if it’s just me. Other’s are able to see the page remotely so that part is on your end. But can you please use Firefox (since you said that worked) and see if you can register?

    I would be forever grateful.

    [aside] so this may be interesting – or not – but we have another thread with very odd issues and a common aspect between them ‘parallelus-salutation’ and this thread with ‘parallelus-mingle’?

    UPDATE: I’ve already confirmed that users can’t sign up and no data can be input into BP at all. I just surprises me that no one has run across this before. Doesn’t it seem like a permissions thing?? What could be blocking data from being submitted and then reloading the same form pages again?

    Could you link that thread? Thanks!



    I tried, and it doesn’t seem to work…..

    Ok, yep, and so what could be doing this? It’s not the theme, it’s not the plugins, and it just started doing this out of the blue… what on earth? Why can’t I modify BP data in any way?

    Am I left with trying to re-install?

    kicked back to /register after attempting in firefox.

    And yo have definitely disabled all plugins and reverted to bp-default theme to test?

    Yes Sir, several times, does the same exact thing, but it’s not just the register page, it also happens when you try to modify anything (update profile, create group, etc)

    The other thread is here:

    But you confirm it’s NOT a theme issue, so there is larger issue at work here

    .htaccess checks out as ok, permalinks re-freshed, no plugins running that might possibly affect things even if remotely so.



    What is in your .htaccess file? The one in the same directory as wp-config.php….

    # BEGIN WordPress
    ErrorDocument 404 /index.php?error=404

    RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L]

    # uploaded files
    RewriteRule ^files/(.+) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$1 [L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^ – [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

    Options All -Indexes

    AddType audio/x-m4a .m4a
    AddType audio/x-m4b .m4b

    #END WordPress Multi Site
    # END WordPress

    Yep, I’ve checked plugins, theme, and permalinks off my list. So there is my htaccess just in case you see something there, but again, it just started doing this, so I doubt its that either.

    I’m deleting everything to do with BP, deleting wp_bp tables and re-installing BP.

    Hmmm.. you know what, I did install a caching plugin and then uninstall it, i wonder if its leftover caches in the database or something?

    few things stick out in the .htaccess file:

    I see no:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /

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