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Can’t Register, Help!

  • I don’t know why, but users can’t register a new member account with buddypress on my site now. Here is my registration page. After entering in details and clicking the submit button, it just reloads the same page again. Why would this be happening? This is very bad. Could someone try registering a new user on this page? Thanks!!

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  • oh do hate caching plugins, meant to ask whether one had been in use.

    And this is the default subdomain .htaccess set of WP rules

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ [L]
    # uploaded files
    RewriteRule ^files/(.+) wpincludes/msfiles.php?file=$1 [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} d
    RewriteRule ^ [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]
    from the link Aces provided.

    And should be current – ish it’s identical to one of mine albeit using regex for uploads but it works.



    oops, i deleted it, so here it is again

    I think the `ErrorDocument 404 /index.php?error=404` line might be complicating things, so I would suggest removing it ( or putting `#` in front ) until the site is working properly again….

    Yep I would agree with that it actually shouldn’t be necessary # it out for the moment.

    I tried completely deleting all BP plugins, including BP itself as well as all tables in the DB with wp_bp in it as directed on the BP site. I then reinstalled BP through the WP plugins Add New area again. It didn’t ask me to go through the installation wizard again, and when I went to the settings, most of my settings were already there and the pages were already connected. This didn’t seem right to me, especially since I had cleared out all the BP tables and cache files as well.

    And sure enough, when trying to register and account or do anything else, same problem. *sigh* Except for now (after changing my .htaccess file to what you gave me, it just redirects me to the home page after registration, instead of reloading the same page, but the user still is not actually added to the site when checking the users.

    I’m really going crazy here, I’ve tried absolutely everything, what can I do???

    Oh, my god, now after reinstalling BP, my entire mingle theme is messed up!!!!!!!!! it’s as if it can’t find css files or something, what would do this???? BP has nothing to do with my theme!

    I can’t believe this!

    there will be a few entries made to the options table by BP those you would not have deleted such as ‘template’ bp-default and a fair few other entries.

    Ok, I see what is happening, everything with the theme is ok, but it’s not loading it’s css files as well as some of its scripts. Why? What did I delete and how can I get it back?

    I did delete some of those, how do I get them back???? I think i have a backup… i can’t believe this, shouldn’t my theme do all this? my god.

    Concentrate on the bp default theme for the moment, Mingle is – I suppose – a BP compatible theme and as such should have all the files necessary contained within it’s own theme folder. You can come back to the mingle theme, I would just concentrate on BP for the moment, but first disable BP as well and just establish that WP is working correctly, finds posts/pages , and allows registrations.

    MAN I am sure glad I tried changing BACK my .htacess rules from what you gave me back to what I had before, which what I had before is what WP says is correct, not what you said. Now my theme problem is fixed. Why the he++ did you do that to me? Jeeez. What I get for listening to a non-support person I guess. The other thing that got me in trouble with BP was following the advice on this very website in How To Delete BuddyPress which told me to delete database files.

    And none of this has gotten me any closer to a solution. Anyone different besides Hugo that is?



    >Why the he++ did you do that to me?

    He’s trying to help you.
    You’re obviously in over your head in terms of being a dev.
    Consider hiring a dev – then you can justify bitching at them.

    Mate you’re skating on very thin ice here I’m incredibly inclined to close this thread and any other you care to start if you are going to insult me or any other person trying to help in that manner.

    Time for you to hire someone as suggested, you are out of your depth and haven’t enough technical knowledge, I on the other hand do have quite a bit of experience with many aspects of web development having been at it professionally for a fair few years now – just to set the record straight :)

    The htacces rules were NOT MINE! they are from a wp codex page so please feel free to go bitch at them and also I did not write the page describing how to delete BP also no where that I can remember was it advised that you go and start deleting tables that is for experienced users to do and a very risky thing unless you know what you are doing!

    Good luck with getting this sorted, and have no fear I will not meddle further, but do the forum the courtesy of updating the thread when you have found the solution as it may help others.

    Hmm, ok sorry for being a jerk, you’re right. It wasn’t your fault and I realize you were just trying to help. My bad. Anyway, changed the file back and all is good.

    Sorry. I guess I’ll try to find some other solution for the buddypress problem.

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