I am using BuddyPress 1.5.5
WordPress 3.2.2, GoDaddy Hosting, PHP Version 5.2. something…. Anyone know about this? Do you always have to enter a subject to send a message to another user???
How can I change this? Many many many, people will want to send messages without a subject? I guess I will have to report this under feature requests / criticism…
This is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone ask to send messages without a subject. It’s mandatory.
As a workaround, you could edit the messages templates, and replace the input text box (for the subject) with a input type of “hidden”, and set value to something like e.g. “private message”. It’s not foolproof, as a smart user could still change the subject, but I get the impression you wouldn’t be that bothered in that case 
If a site member decides not to add a subject, a rather unhelpful error message is given “There was an error sending that message, please try again”.
Site members who are used to messaging systems that don’t require a subject wouldn’t think they had to enter a subject every time. Perhaps an error message that tells the user the subject field needs to be completed would be more user friendly?
Sure. If we haven’t a ticket on trac already, by all means add one