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Change Buddypress theme?

  • @tomtheman2


    I have just installed the buddypress plug in on my wordpress site, I went through all of the initial set up menus and clicked save and continue when I hadn’t selected the correct theme for the WP theme I am using. Now I cannot go back and select the correct theme to integrate BP with my WP theme.

    My question is, is there a way to change the BP theme I am using? When I do into the WP admin and click BP, I get only a few options and no theme change options.

    I have tried to uninstall BP and re install but it remembers the saved options previous.

    Any help is much appreciated.


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  • @mercime


    First of all, since you’re new to BuddyPress I suggest that you use the bp-default theme during Installation Wizard or later via dashboard menu Appearance > Themes while you’re setting up and exploring the different BuddyPress components available in your installation.

    == Now I cannot go back and select the correct theme to integrate BP with my WP theme. ==

    Just go to dashboard menu Appearance > Themes and choose the theme you want to use in your installation. If you’re going to use a WP theme for the BP install, know that you need to install/activate BP Template Pack plugin as well and go through Appearance > BP Compatibility process.

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