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Change language to Hebrew

  • @motti_mor


    I’ve installed Buddypress on my WP blog and I’m trying to change the language of Buddypress to hebrew in two ways:
    1. by installing BP-Multilingual and WMPL
    2. Through FTP with the mo. file I’ve downloaded from this website.

    Both ways fail and do not work.
    Can someone please help me and guide me with the proper way to install BP in Hebrew.


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  • @henrywright-1


    The language translation page has info that might be useful:

    Also see this page for translating WordPress:



    Hi Henry,
    Thanks for the fast reply.
    I’ve tried to move the po/mo files as the translations page guided but it still didn’t work.

    I did not find this:

    “Also, make sure you have enabled the same language on the WordPress “Settings > General” admin page.”

    In my Setting – General

    I’ve also downloaded the translated Hebrew files (87%) from the link in this page and uploaded it to the /wp-content/languages/ on my server. And still did not work.
    Is there another way or a different place to place it on my server in order for it to work?



    Hi Motti,

    Make sure you follow these steps:

    1. Download the .PO file as instructed (as you did)
    2. Open the file using POEdit
    3. Save it, so .MO file will be created.
    4. Move both files (.PO and .MO) to folder wp-content/languages/ (if not exist, create it)
    5. if you are using hebrew wordpress, make sure your files named: and buddypress-he_IL.po

    If it still doesn’t work, make sure the language on your wp-config is set to be he_IL .

    If still not so you gotta make some harsh change:
    1. go to wp-content/buddypress/bp-core-functions.php
    2. search for function named bp_core_load_buddypress_textdomain
    3. give $mofile a value. set it to be ‘’, so it won’t get a dynamic value.

    This is the worst case and it’s really not the right way to do it, but if all other fails, this should work. if it’s not working, make sure you named the files correctly and placed it on the correct folders.



    Thanks man.

    It looks like it’s working 🙂

    I used this website to convert the po file to mo

    Good luck everybody.

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