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Changing fonts in the BuddyPress Default theme?

  • Adam


    Hi All,

    Please don’t mock my lack of technical knowledge!

    I’m a none technical user of WordPress and Buddypress, and am currently creating a new network, however there’s just one thing which I want to change, but I know its going to be within the code. I want to change the font and possibly the size of the site title (in the bottom left of the header by default) and the page title (in the top left of the content by default).

    Could anybody please point out where to do this in the code?

    I have got the site exactly how I want it, however I just want to change this, and it would be stupid to get a developer to do it!

    Thanks in advance,

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  • ch8rt


    This should be a CSS change, your probably best to use a something like firebug ( a plugin for Firefox ) to locate the attributes that need changing and then searching for them within the stylesheet your site is using.

    Without knowing how much you’ve changed or whether your using a child theme its difficult to say where specifically you’d need to look.



    I haven’t changed any of the coding whatsoever, and, sorry I should have mentioned, I’m using the theme ‘BuddyPress Default’.

    I’ve tried using the ‘Inspect Element’ in Chrome, however am still confused as to what I need to change. Does anybody know what line these setting are on within the code, and in what file?

    Thanks again.



    I would recommend this as a great place to start looking into child themes. Its not advisable to edit the default theme, since your changes could be overwritten if/when you update your buddypress plugin.

    For a quick a dirty change however you’ll need to change some values in the default.css file which can be found in wp-content / plugins / buddypress / bp-themes / bp-default / _inc / css / default.css

    Your looking for ‘font-size:’ under body and h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6.

    Hope that helps.



    Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been on holiday.

    I’ll give that a try – Thanks.

    Hugo Ashmore


    :) and it would be stupid to get a developer to do it! Yes and no and a large proportion of this site membership are probably developers by trade :) and in some senses it’s actually easier to do it than explain how to do it!

    The advice was right though set up a child theme which simply uses a new stylesheet that can contain overriding rulesets. To avoid getting in a mess keep two copies of the stylesheet one named .css.bck and switch to that if things go wrong both sheets call the bp-default styles so swapping to the .css.bck will simply call the original files without any changes or you having to change themes in the admin.

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