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Changing the Default Welcome Email

  • @decisionc



    I have a simple question that I have spent the last hour trying to find a solution for.

    How do I change the default emails sent to new users who are only creating user accounts? (I have the “Only user account can be created.” setting enabled – I don’t want new users to create new blogs)

    I know that there is a “Welcome Email” setting in the Site Admin -> Site Options section. When I change these settings, the welcome email doesn’t change. That means, this setting is for new blog users I believe, and not new user accounts.

    Does that mean I have to change something in the core files??????

    I get this welcome email after the activation email when creating new user accounts (which I can’t change):

    Dear User,

    Your new account is setup.

    You can log in with the following information:

    Username: testingaccount

    Password: *******


    –The WordPress Team

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  • @apeatling


    Site Admin > Options > Welcome Email




    Changing Site Admin > Options > Welcome Email doesn’t seem to work.

    Right under the “Welcome Email” setting, it says “The welcome email sent to new blog owners.” I think the “Welcome Email” is only for new blog users?

    How can I change the Welcome Email for new user accounts (not blog users)?

    (I have the latest BP upgraded today)

    p.s. thanks for all your work on BP. ’tis amazing.



    Yes, I’d like to know as well. It would be good to add some ‘getting started’ info there.



    That email is generated in wpmu-functions.php part of the wpmu core. It’s called during the signup process and that function is wpmu_welcome_user_notification(). The function that is used for blog signup notification is right above that called wpmu_welcome_notification(). The blog signup email can be modified in the wpmu backend, not the user signup email. It’s just plain harded coded.

    My hope rose when I saw at the top of the fn a filter. The filter is just for the username, pass and some other info that is irrelevant to the body of the email. I don’t see any way to change it except by modifying that fn itself.

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