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Comment content not showing?

  • godavid33


    When I post a comment on an activity, none of the information is populating correctly. It shows that a new comment is posted, but all it says is replied. When inspecting the element, I notice that the ID is not filled out either (the id of the div is “acomment-” instead of “acomment-xxx”). When I refresh the page, the content shows up normally.

    I’m not sure what other info to give, I tried deactivating plugins and it seems to be only with buddypress.

    Running BP 2.0 and WP 3.9

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  • godavid33



    Of course, as soon as I post this, I find the problem.

    function my_hidden_activities($a, $activities) {
    	//if admin we want to know
    	//if (is_site_admin())
    		//return $activities;
    	$nothanks = array('activity_comment');
    	foreach ($activities->activities as $key => $activity) {
    		if (in_array($activity->type, $nothanks, true)) {
    			$activities->activity_count = $activities->activity_count-1;
    			$activities->total_activity_count = $activities->total_activity_count-1;
    			$activities->pag_num = $activities->pag_num -1;
    	// Renumber the array keys to account for missing items.
    	$activities_new = array_values( $activities->activities );
    	$activities->activities = $activities_new;
    	return $activities;
    add_action('bp_has_activities', 'my_hidden_activities', 1, 2 );

    The above code causes this problem. The code is attempting to hide comments from appearing as their own activity stream items. Any suggestions on how I can hide comments from appear anywhere except for in the thread they are nested in?

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