I agree. Entering a user’s profile just to see their @handle is not user friendly and not intuitive. Hopefully someone here will have an idea? Cheers
Hey @chatty24, thanks. Buddypress actually added this functionality to the latest update (activity mentions) but It would be great to have a more convenient bbpress forums mentioning system.
@chatty24 Yeah it’s about removing the need for the commenting user (on an activity page or forum) to open the OP’s or last repliers profile to get the required @handle.
Although this is now showing on these forums at least. Maybe it’s been tested? It’s much more practical!
10 years, 5 months ago
Comment replies to updates only register a notification if you add the users @handle in the text. But to get that, you have to open their profile first (good chance @handle is different to displayed name).
This is not user friendly.
Surely it would make sense to display a users @handle visibly? Or add notification functionality when someone replies to their update?