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Configuring own theme – TP Sunrise theme

  • @montaya


    I am trying to install Buddypress on a I am using this site as an expendable test site. The actual site I will set buddypress on is What I am trying to do is to create a community member directory. I wish to retain the theme I already have on both sites.
    I am having trouble with making my existing theme buddypress compatible. As described in the Tweaking Layout Instructions, I have gone to cpanel/file manager and made change but nothing seems to work. I tried both methods in Fixing Alignments but without success. What am I doing wrong?
    Can anyone help ?

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  • @mercime


    For using TP Sunrise theme found at WP Repository

    If you’ve touched/revised any of the BP Template files transferred to your tpsunrise folder in server during the BP Compatibility process, please delete the 6 BP Template folders from your tpsunrise theme folder. After that, run Appearance > BP Compatibility process again so you’ll get clean new BP template files transferred to your folder.

    You only need to create two new files and upload both to your WP theme’s folder in your server wp-content/themes/tpsunrise/

    A. Copy tpsunrise theme’s header.php file and save as header-buddypress.php

    Open up header-buddypress.php and at the very bottom of the file, below all code add this:


    Save file.



    B. Create a blank file sidebar-buddypress.php and in it add:

    Save file.

    Upload header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php to your tpsunrise folder in server wp-content/themes/tpsunrise/



    As for the theme used in, I’m sorry I cannot provide assistance for artisteer-generated themes. It’s just too convoluted. Maybe someone else here can help you with that theme.

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