Good to know that people are finally starting to make quality themes. 
Some things that I noticed.
– See this. Make the backgrounds transparent.
– Define a width for your input, my inputs always become bigger and stick out their container. Probably got something to do with Win7.
– Blog pages still have a meta box.
– Login link in the navigation doesn’t do anything.
Haven’t found anything other than that.
hi Xevo
Thanks for pointing.
I had mentioned that in one of the comment already on the blog about the graphics.
The login will work, once you add the login widget supplied with the theme(cb-addons), please have a look at my recommendation about widget use there.
There are a few more things ,I am aware and will be updated by Wednesday(when my designer comes tomorrow). I had promised the theme long ago, and since designer was away, so I had to go for a hurried release.
Other than graphics(transparency issue with title background ), please point to other things too, I will be glad to enhance more 
Good to see some new themes published!
May I ask something slightly off-topic? How did you get this done? I always have problems doing that outside the forums!
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you mean the discussion topics shown at the bottom of the home page.
well, I am using external bbpress with deep integration to buddypress/wordpress mu.
The topics are coming from plugin.
Though, if you want to do the same using internal integration
have a look here
specifying the action as “new_forum _post” should do that.
Hope it helps