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Create a New Group > Blank Error > returns to home page

  • @gnosishunter


    Whenever a user goes to create a group, the “Create a New Group” page shows, but with a blank message box atop the screen. The only option is OK, which leads back to the previous page.
    I’d really like my users to be able to create groups, please help!
    Did I miss something somewhere?

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  • @gnosishunter


    The ridiculous part of this is that, even as an admin, I can’t create groups either.
    It worked before, as I’ve created one group. Now, that’s the only group, and I can’t add more.
    If I could add groups from the dashboard, that would at least be workable.



    – WP/BP versions?

    – If you’re using a WP theme, did you install and activate the BP Template Pack plugin and go through Appearance > BP Compatibility? You should.

    – If you’re using a “BP-compatible” theme, have you checked if the theme’s been upgraded for the latest BP/WP versions?



    BP 1.5.4
    WP 3.3.1
    Using the official BP default theme.

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