Depends, when you say profile, is it just the xprofile page or each member’s section as a whole? Depends also if the selector you used was too specific that it affected only my-pages e.g. and not all other pages. So many reasons, hard to say without examples of what you mean.
I’m talking about each member’s section as a whole. More specifically the profile header area. The member name/username and last active section is displayed all the way to the right without a status update. Here is a snapshot of what I mean. The first picture is a member who just joined and the second picture is my profile. Mine displays correctly and his does not. Am I missing CSS code that deals with other members?

Different devs roll out their own WP/BP themes in different ways. In your case, if you made a custom WP theme, did you install the BP Template Pack or did you make it BP-compatible another way?
I have seen a similar problem with an install of BP Template Pack. If you added CSS from bp-template pack via import or added BP-specific CSS at bottom of your WP theme’s style.css, you could add this at the bottom of your active theme’s style.css file. Make sure it’s below all other styles you posted before to make it work.
`div#item-header div#item-header-avatar {
float: left;
height: 150px;
margin-right: 15px;
div#item-header div#item-header-content {
float: left;
margin-left: 0px;
Of course, this is just a stab in the dark as you might have had conflicting styling in your theme’s stylesheet which can’t seen via images you posted alone 
Fantastic! You nailed it on the head and that solved my issue. Thanks!
Cool, didn’t expect that on first try. Glad it worked out for you