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Display Name isn´t matching between BP and WP profile fields.

  • @odarma


    Sorry for my bad english i hope you understand me.
    As i know when somebody register in buddypress, there are 2 fields, Display Name and Username, and that fields in the WordPress Profiles use to be Username, First Name, Last Name and both names make the Nickname Field, that was before i upgrade to BP 1.5.5 now the name in the BP fiields just gives the Nickname to the WP Profile, and if a user chage its Display Name on BP, the Nickname get erased and the WP Profile and the user have no name on bb Forums and if i need to do something in the WP Profiles i have to give them a Name or a Nickname and choose the field “Display name publicy as” to get a user have a name in bbForums and in WP, im shure its a bug but i dont know how to find it and fix it.

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  • @mrjarbenne


    In the Buddypress Settings menu, do you have the “Disable BuddyPress to WordPress profile syncing?” set to “No”?



    @mrjarbenne Thanks but it is setted in “No” i am desesperate, if i dont find a solution ill have to restart my 2 years old webpage :( , because reinstall WP and BP hasn’t even work



    Just posting trac ticket you created



    @mercime Yea i need all the help i can get, the ticket hasn´t even been readed, and here i get 1 answer thats good.



    What versions of BP/WP did you upgrade from? You mentioned webpages from two years ago. If you upgraded from BP 1+/WPMU, then you have to upgrade major version by major version as in BP1.0+ to BP1.2/WPMU 2.9.1 to BP1.5/WP3.2.1 to BP1.5.5/WP3.3.2
    WP versions download –
    BP versions download –



    @mercime thanks for helping me… i upgrade WP in each version is out (with a delay of 2 weeks to give time for the plugins i use to be upgraded too), my BP as i remember i upgrade from 1.2.10 to 1.5.2 and then 1.5.5



    Deactivate all plugins except BuddyPress and change to bp-default theme to begin isolating what’s causing the strange behavior.



    @mercime it didn´t work so ill to reinstall from 0 and then mount a backup of my DB and my wp-content y hope it fix it.



    @mercime i reinstall everything form 0 using a backup of my Data Base and it fail, so i think its an error in my DB what is wrong, so maybe ill have to reset my page :(



    This Plugin may help, tested on a single site, hasn’t been tested on a multi-site install. I was having the same issue, so I had this developed. Let me know if it works for you.

    FYI: I submitted it to WP for inclusion in their repository, should be there soon.

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