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Don't want Blog page.

  • @benjino


    In WP, in the Settings > Discussion admin area, what check boxes are mandatory for Buddypress to work at “out of the box” install? If I don’t want a Blog page for my BP install can I uncheck any and have Activity and Members pages still work correctly?

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  • @hnla


    As I said on the other thread this isn’t a BP issue. Blog is a somewhat generic term it doesn’t really refer to any WP component, BP can refer to ‘blogs’ but that is in the case of WP multi site activated. For BP to work out of the box you need do nothing, although if you want the registration process functioning that is a WP function managed from the setting>general page the only thing BP requires is blank pages created to cover it’s main components such as registration , activity, members etc, you can see all that though in the BP settings screens. The blog you refer to is the WP primary loop and it’s not BP that is managing that it’s part of WP core to have the loop query available to render.


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