Rather than duplicate the component or use the skeleton component, create a plugin using Custom Post Types – a WP approach. It works great within BP.
I have a lot of experience with custom post types, but within BuddyPress I believe the group functionality would be better.
Here is an example mockup:

For the above functionality, it would make sense to use a custom post type and a custom post screen within a users profile. However, using a variation of groups would instantly give me:
- Ability for users to follow the vehicle (change members to followers)
- A blog for the vehicle (using group blog)
- Easy interface for users to manage their vehicles, I could quickly create admin pages for specifics (a page to specify capabilities, like range and speed, which would be used in the group listing page to filter vehicles)
- If a vehicle were a university project, multiple “owners” could be specified.
- I could use a task management plugin for vehicles
I’m not doing anything with vehicles, but I thought this would be a great example of using a variation of groups. I could also get this functionality through multisite and user blogs, with each vehicle being a blog with integrated theme and custom admin panel to match the user profile, but that is much, much more work and a really heavy implementation. It would allow each vehicle to be a powerful hub, but that’s beyond what I need.
Beyond that, I would also want to have groups used like on BuddyPress.org (Plugins vs themes), but I don’t want them to share a slug (/extend/plugins/ vs /extend/themes/).
Ah okay, I had been confusing the first one with the second. The BuddyPress Skeleton Component looks like the perfect starting place.
Edit: looked through it some more. THANKS! This is perfect (just needs some updating).
After looking at the skeleton component, I essentially just copied all of the files in buddypress/bp-groups/ and did a find and replace of “group” to “vehicle” and worked through the errors. But in the end, I’ve ended up with multiple group components.
Was going to say that copying the groups directory, doing a find/replace, creating a loader and modifying a few things (like calling the active components array – don’t forget manually telling bp your component is active) has worked for me in the past.
It works great. The only issues I encountered were with the group forums – though my extra groups don’t require forums so it’s a non issue for me.
I’m completely new to BP, but am considering using it for my next project – which will involve sub-profiles like the vehicles example above. Has anyone gone down the paths suggested above to show us the possibilities? If this can be done I’ll likely start on some test development. I just want to know first that it’s possible (without extensive custom coding) before committing time. I’m not a big coder so I’d have to contract out if it requires a moderate amount of coding, which wouldn’t be so bad if the foundation is already there. So, has anyone successfully done this?
@fordp I wanted to ask you where exactly did you put the copy of the bp-groups and where did you replace the word “vehicle” for “group” I’m very new at buddypress, and need to build a site with a similar functionality as you.
Fabio C.
Mine was actually called “examples”, I was using an old projects mockup as an example to not reveal the actual project I’m using this on..
I’m going to have to write a tutorial, I looked through the project I was using this on and I had to make some various modifications to core code to get it to work. E-Mail me at hello@placementedge.com if I can use your installation to implement it on while writing a tutorial.
Hi @fordp,
I’ve already sent you my e-mail. hope that you can help me.
Fabio C.
@fordp pls.inform us when you will finish your tutorial, I would like to create a second group too.
pls.inform us when you will finish your tutorial, I would like to create a second group
any news on this? I really could use this approach at my project.