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Eliminating WordPress Usernames from displaying in BP

  • distortedview


    I have a unique problem, I think. I have a subscription member based site, and prior to my current system, the users were forced to use email addresses as their username. When I migrated to the new system, the email addresses-as-usernames were imported.

    I’m trying to implement Buddypress but it wants to display their usernames, and a lot of my users don’t want their email address as public info.

    Specifically, when posting to a group or replying, and also on their profile (the @mention name)

    IS their a way to completely get rid of displaying the usernames, and instead display their nickname or displayname?

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  • Henry


    Disabling usernames sitewide sounds like a huge task to me. BuddyPress needs a unique identifier to use in URLs. Have you thought about providing your members with the ability to change their username?

    BuddyPress Username Changer

    You’d just need to send a global message to all members letting them know how they can update their username.

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