Featured Groups Widget Problem
Having problems with the featured groups widget ever since I upgraded from RC-1 to BP 1.0, when I click on a featured group it takes me to the list of groups ([my-domain]/wordpress-mu/groups) rather than to the group itself, any idea what could be causing this to happen? Cheers
WPMU 2.7.1
BP 1.0
By the way, talking about Mike Pratt’s widget (found it on BPDEV)…worked great in RC-1…
I just looked into this and found that Mike’s widget is using a deprecated function call
This changed somewhere down the road to BP v1.0. So, if you are comfortable with opening up a PHP file and making two easy changes, you can search for that function in his widget and replace the above call with
If you are not comfortable with doing this, then message Mike and give him the url for this forum thread, kindly begging him to fix his widget as quickly as possible or the world will end.
Actually, if you make the changes to the code yourself, it would also be nice of you to let Mike know that his widget needs a little TLC.
Great stuff! Thanks for your help, will let Mike know ASAP, cheers!
We aim to please–although we’re not always successful!
Hello Jeff, I installed the widget perfectlly, but I cant setup the member IDs. Ive used the usernames juan, julian, mariela, but they dont appear in the website module. Are the member IDs correctly used? Or is there other king of member ID that I coudnt find?
This thread is about Mike Pratt’s Featured Groups Widget. This allows site admins to select certain BP groups to feature. It has nothing to do with individual members.
It sounds like you are talking about my Featured Member(s) Widget. If you are, you set a featured member by their unique ID, not by their username. When editing the widget’s parameters, it states “Member ID(s)
” and “Separate member IDs by commas”.
A member ID is the unique number automatically assigned to each user by WPMU upon registration. You can find each member’s unique member ID (also called userid), by logging into WPMU and clicking on “Site Admin > Users”. Then, hover your cursor of a given member’s username and look at the link text. you’ll see this in the url “user_id=”. You can also obtain a user’s unique ID by looking at the “ID” field in the wp_users table in WPMU’s MySQL DB.
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