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Filter dropdown – change to buttons

  • chrishechler



    is there any chance to transform/change the regular filter dropdown options (recently active, newest members and alphabetical) to buttons that sit next to each other?
    I have achieved to make the dropdown into buttons, but the logic and filtering functionality are gone.

    This is teh directory template where I replaced the dropdown:

    * BuddyPress Members Directory
    * @version 3.0.0

    * Fires at the beginning of the templates BP injected content.
    * @since BuddyPress 2.3.0
    do_action( ‘bp_before_directory_members_page’ );

    <div class=”members-directory-wrapper”>

    * Fires before the display of the members.
    * @since BuddyPress 1.1.0
    do_action( ‘bp_before_directory_members’ );

    <div class=”members-directory-container”>

    <?php if ( function_exists( ‘bp_disable_advanced_profile_search’ ) && bp_disable_advanced_profile_search() ) { ?>
    <div class=”subnav-search members-search”>
    <?php bp_nouveau_search_form(); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    * Fires before the display of the members list tabs.
    * @since BuddyPress 1.8.0
    do_action( ‘bp_before_directory_members_tabs’ );

    <?php if ( ! bp_nouveau_is_object_nav_in_sidebar() ) : ?>

    <?php bp_get_template_part( ‘common/nav/directory-nav’ ); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    * Fires before the display of the members content.
    * @since BuddyPress 1.1.0
    do_action( ‘bp_before_directory_members_content’ );

    <div class=”flex bp-secondary-header align-items-center”>
    <div class=”push-right flex”>
    <div class=”bp-profile-filter-wrap subnav-filters filters no-ajax”>
    <!– Replace the dropdown filters with buttons –>
    <button class=”filter-button” data-filter=”recently-active”>Recently Active</button>
    <button class=”filter-button” data-filter=”newest-members”>Newest Members</button>
    <button class=”filter-button” data-filter=”alphabetically”>Alphabetically</button>
    <!– Add more buttons for other filter options as needed –>
    <div class=”bp-members-filter-wrap subnav-filters filters no-ajax”>
    <!– You can add more buttons here if needed –>

    <?php bp_get_template_part( ‘common/filters/grid-filters’ ); ?>

    <div class=”screen-content members-directory-content”>

    <div id=”members-dir-list” class=”members dir-list” data-bp-list=”members”>
    <div id=”bp-ajax-loader”><?php bp_nouveau_user_feedback( ‘directory-members-loading’ ); ?></div>
    </div><!– #members-dir-list –>

    * Fires and displays the members content.
    * @since BuddyPress 1.1.0
    do_action( ‘bp_directory_members_content’ );
    </div><!– // .screen-content –>

    * Fires after the display of the members content.
    * @since BuddyPress 1.1.0
    do_action( ‘bp_after_directory_members_content’ );


    * Fires after the display of the members.
    * @since BuddyPress 1.1.0
    do_action( ‘bp_after_directory_members’ );


    * Fires at the bottom of the members directory template file.
    * @since BuddyPress 1.5.0
    do_action( ‘bp_after_directory_members_page’ );

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