So far, I modified the following in default.css (body):
width: 1024px;
/* min-width: 960px;
max-width: 1250px; */
And it works (haven’t a clue if that was the right thing to do)
Now, my problem is with adminbar.css, the only way I can get the 1024px fixed width and have the bar align correctly is by changing this:
body#bp-default #wp-admin-bar .padder {
min-width: 1024px;
max-width: 1024px;
If there is a better way to do this, please don’t hesitate to chime in…
Sounds like you found your solution.
Just as a note, if a user has a 1024×768 resolution screen, their web browser viewable area will not be that width when maximized. The actual width will be somewhere around 1000px (or less) because of the scroll bar and anything else the browser adds in.
Thanks Jivany,
Would you suggest a lower value then (960 or 1000)?
It’s funny you ask because I’ve been debating this in my head today.
Right now I moved to a static 980px width. This still gives some whitespace on the default theme when viewed on a 1024×768 display. I opted for a fixed width because the flexible width of the main content area wasn’t working for my design plans.
Maybe it’s also just a personal preference, but even on my 1600×1200 main display, I still only allow my browser window to be 1024 width max.
There is a maximum width for any content area before the human brain can’t handle it. There’s a reason newspapers are in columns.
It’s also interesting to read about the “golden ratio” and how it can be applied to web design.
If it’s an existing site and you have analytics you can see what the average screen resolution of your users. I would not max your width to that number though as @jivany has pointed out. Also, a ton of people are using laptops more than desktops now and tablets are entering the market. You want to give users some room on the sides.
There is a maximum width for any content area before the human brain can’t handle it
I sure agree with you and I also tried 980px, it looks great.
I don’t have analytics because it’s only a test site (for now).
I would not max your width to that number though as @jivany has pointed out
Would you care to elaborate? What would you max it out at?
I agree 980 is a good width for BP