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Follow a Blog

  • I was just wondering if it is possible to set it up so that a user can follow a blog.

    So basically I’ll have multiple blogs on my site, and when a user sees one they would like to follow/join, they press a button and then everytime that blog makes a post, they will get a notification in their profile.

    Are there widgets for this? I’ll have another look.


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  • Another word that I should have mentioned would be “Subscribe”

    So basically, I’d like a button on each of my blogs that say “Subscribe” to this blog, and then when they click that, it will show up in their profiles, which blogs they are subscribed to?

    Please help.

    Just like on youtube, where you subscribe to a channel, and it shows a count of how many people are subscribed, and then in your profile it says what you are subscribed to.




    No, nothing like this has been made yet.



    Not for buddypress, no. But there is an old plugin that did something like this in the backend of MU. look for xiando’s social networking pack.

    I kept finding stuff about this BP-Dev Subscribe plugin, but I could never find anywhere to download it, then I found this:

    but the download buttons don’t work, and I was checking out the site and it looks like people have been complaining about the download buttons since may…

    However! Here:

    You have to go to this page, scroll down and look at the right hand side, you’ll see:

    “Installing via ZIP”

    Click the “Download latest trunk zip”

    It looks like it’s working well, but I’ll have a look for the xiando’s social networking pack.

    Anyway, I just wanted to post this to anyone else having trouble.




    The website is down..i am too looking for the same functionality searched everywhere but cud not find it anywhere



    i did something like this in a real round about way using the Buddypress Followers plugin. I was able to modify to only show the Follow Button on profiles if the profile owned a blog — Note* this will only work where members are only able to have 1 blog. It will not work in case of an admin that has various blogs — I was also able to modify the plugin to only show Blog Posts in the Users “Following” tab activity stream. And finally I was able to put the Follow button in the user blog sidebar. I had to disable the Follow/Following buttons everywhere except for the member profile and their blog.

    I like you all have been looking for something like this too. I like the idea of adding notifications for bp and email when someone you follow has added a blog post.



    what i want is when you list all the blogs( using the default bpress navigation)…. then you have an option visit blog i want to put follow blog…so that a user gets a tab in his profile stories..and get the feeds of the blog he is following….i dont want user to give blogs..i have a multsite ..i have my 100 blogs..which only i edit….
    it gives user an option to follow a topic which he wants..





    @nahummadrid i dint try that before.. i am testing it right now and see if it solves my biggest hurdle in release of my site…thanx for your reply it was looking to me as this forum is Dead as almost no replies..
    i need some help more.. like i have a website and i use tags to categorise content like if news is related to gadget then when a user browse archive of Tag gadget i added tag description to show up..but is there a way to say follow Gadget and then all post tagged under gadget (summary)start appearing in a tab called my stories..



    Follow Topics basically. I think if you use Bp My Home that you can assign the ‘save-able’ feed to your Tags Feed. that way when a member clicks on that RSS feed it will go into the BP My Home member feeds widget. I think. I only tried that plugin for a few days and it works pretty well. But I don’t remember exactly how it works right now. If you read more of the threads for that plugin you can find some real neat ways to use it.

    Activity around here goes in spurts it seems.

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