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Forum at front page?

  • alexzien


    I want to know how to get the forum activated and get it at the front page of my WordPressmu/buddypress site? Im new to this and want to make a small community where people can get an account, login, write at a message board(forum), see a memberlist, make a group and communicate in the group.

    How do I do this? At first I thought it would be easy, but now I dont! Help please!

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  • Boris


    You get the forum activated in the backend under BuddyPress->Forums Setup. You can find the information that makes up your frontpage in a file called home.php in your child theme folder. The forum stuff you find in directories->forums->index.php. You could copy everything, except the sidebar bit over to home.php, but there’ll probably be some CSS issues, cause home.php is completely widgetized. So it’ll make more sense to package the forum stuff up as a widget and drop it in the first-section sidebar.

    The rest (memberlist,groups,mesageboards) is set up automatically for you by BuddyPress.

    Happy Coding!



    Ooooo… I like the idea of a homepage widget for latest forum posts. How hard could that be? The logic should all be in the forum index. Of course… the activity feed kinda takes care of that too… especially now with the super cool filtering feature. But a separate widget for latest post might still be nice.



    @david lewis

    it’s not hard: the plugin still exist.

    And works with 1.1 new forum integration. Even if not necessary because latest post appearing in the side wide activity. So the plugin is only interesting if you don’t use SWA or if you use a custom homepage or an external bbpress install…

    If you use it, don’t forget to set the right DB table prefix in the plugin option (default is bb_, but now it’s wp_bb_)

    select the forum you want to exclude, enter connection infos and that’s it !

    Have fun !

    Cool! Thx :)



    doesn’t work with 1.2

    in desperate need of some more widgets.

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