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Forum user roles and moderator ability — BP 1.2-RC2 / WP 2.9.1

  • @snark


    I am running a fresh install of BP 1.2-RC2 for WP 2.9.1 single user (not WPMU). I’ve searched all over and I cannot get a clear answer on this. Here’s what I’m looking to find out:

    1. Definition of all the user Roles in Buddypress / bbPress

    2. Ability to define or change user Roles if possible

    3. Using the above to create true Moderators for the Forums in a Buddypress installation.

    Here’s the main issue: I’ve tested various user Roles on my test installation, and it looks like only users who are Administrators or Keymasters can moderate the Forums in Buddypress. This is a problem, as Keymasters have access to nearly the entire wp-admin backend, almost as much as Administrators. I would have thought that the Moderator user level would have limited backend access, but would be able to truly Moderate the Forum — delete topics, for instance. But I tried it, and a user with a Role of Moderator cannot delete topics.

    I want to be able to launch this for a new version of a forum that currently have over 15,000 members, and for it to work I’ll need about 10 or 20 Moderators who can edit, delete and close topics and posts as necessary, without access to the backend. This should be easy and built-in, but I can’t make it work.

    I notice that the Moderators of this Buddypress forum all have the ability to at least close topics to further discussion. Am I missing something?

    Also, what code to add to the template to display a users’s Role next to their user name, the way you are doing here on the Buddypress Forums?

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  • @snark


    Any ideas?



    I might be mistaken, but as far as I know there isn’t a ‘global forum moderator’ role in the current version of the BuddyPress forum integration. As such, this could require a plugin to work…

    I’m assuming you’re using the normal BuddyPress->bbpress group integration, not a separate install of bbpress?



    Yes, I’m using a normal, fresh install of Buddypress. By’global forum moderator’ Role (vs. just “forum moderator”), do you mean the ability to Moderate Groups as well as Forums? Mainly I’d just like Moderators to be able to delete forum posts and — if this is possible — have that deletion propagate over to the Group and Main Activity streams, so once a post is deleted from the Forum it is gone from all places. Currently I can’t even make this happen as an Administrator.

    There IS a user role called Moderator, yet it doesn’t seem to allow said Moderators to fully moderate anything — they can edit forum posts, I think, but not delete them.



    Any ideas?



    I see there’s a line in the file bp-forums-templatetags.php as part of the function that seems to be controlling user authority:

    if ( $bp->is_item_admin || $bp->is_item_mod || is_site_admin() )

    Does “mod” here mean “moderator”? If so, this seems to be saying, show the editing options to the item admin (the user who created it?), the item moderator (?), and the site admin. It’s that one in the middle that I’m stuck on, as in my installation Moderator is not able to moderate anything — cannot edit or deletes Forum topics or post that have been posted by Subscribers. I have just installed 1.2RC2-trunk2685, but the problem still persists.



    The user roles are inherited from the group. If you are a group admin you are an admin of the group forum. If you are a group moderator, you are a moderator of the forum.



    Where can you assign these Roles to Groups? Sorry if this is somehow obvious, but I can’t find any documentation on User Roles on the Buddypress site or anywhere else. And I have these fundamental questions:

    1. Is there a way to assign user roles to Groups/Forums?

    2. Is the creator of a group the “admin” for that group? I assume so, but then, who is the Moderator, and how does a Group Admin assign a Moderator to their group?

    3. How do I give any user that has the role “Moderator” the ability to edit/delete any Group or Forum topics or posts created by any user below the Moderator level (such as Subscribers)?

    4. Can I turn off the “Create a Group” function for anybody but Admins and Moderators?

    What I’d like to do is have it so only Moderators and above can create groups, but Moderators and above can also edit and delete groups, forum topics, group/forum posts, etc. Is this possible?



    the group admin can add moderators and admins by going to group -> admin -> manage members. There they can promote to mod or admin, demote, or even ban members.



    Thank you thank you thank you @Dwenaus! It was a simple answer, which is probably why I found not documentation for it anywhere. What tripped me up is that I created some groups under the “admin” login, but then after that I was using a different user login that also had the Role of Admin in the WP backend, but that didn’t automatically give it Admin ability for Groups/Forums, so I never even saw the “manage members” tab under group admin. Doh!

    Now I’ve got it all sorted out, with only one out-standing question:

    Is it possible to block users below a certain level of user Role from being able to create new groups in the first place? I don’t want a mass proliferation and duplication of groups.




    I found this code that can be wrapped around anything to hide it from everyone but administrators or ediors:

    <?php if ( current_user_can( ‘delete_others_posts’ ) ) { //only admins and editors can see this ?>

    (Items to be hidden here)

    <?php } ?>

    To make it work specifically for hiding that “Create a Group” button, I made a new version of the default template’s groups –> index.php file in my child theme, replacing this:

    <h3><?php _e( ‘Groups Directory’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?><?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>  “><?php _e( ‘Create a Group’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?><?php endif; ?></h3>

    With this:

    <h3><?php _e( ‘Groups Directory’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?><?php if ( current_user_can( ‘delete_others_posts’ ) ) : //only admins and editors can see this ?>  “><?php _e( ‘Create a Group’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?><?php endif; ?></h3>

    It worked like a charm! Now only Admins and Editors can create groups on my site.



    I tried but it didn’t work, can’t see the button when I logged in as admin.



    Give this a try

    <h3><?php _e( 'Groups Directory', 'buddypress' ) ?><?php if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) : ?> &nbsp;<a class="button" href="<?php echo bp_get_root_domain() . '/' . BP_GROUPS_SLUG . '/create/' ?>"><?php _e( 'Create a Group', 'buddypress' ) ?></a><?php endif; ?></h3>



    hey, it works!!! thank you :)



    Glad it worked out for you siayuneh.



    could you help me find the right file to make this mod please? I’m not sure exactly what file is being mentioned here.




    ok, got it… : )



    Will this hide the groups tab from all but admins and editors, and get rid of the text in forums that says you must join a group? So that member sees only forums, and in forums a list of “groups” or “themes” or whatever, that have been created by admin/editor? Actually, what would be more than wonderful would be a version of BP without groups altogether, with a panel allowing admin to create themes. Thanks, Roger



    Pasted replacement code in buddypress->bp-themes->bp-default->groups->index.php but new member can create a group. I thought that was supposed to be impossible. I am running on localhost, maybe that is why this mod does not seen to work?



    Meant to say localhost on local machine (xampp).




    I am working on a website in which i used buddypress, bpress and now i am getting an issue regarding admin tab of individual group.
    if i logged as admin then i can edit group details for individual group but when i logged as moderator i am able to see the admin tab in groups but when i clicked on admin table , it is redirecting to same group not show all admin sub tab items like, details, members, delete.

    Means group moderator is not able to edit, delete groups.So please help me, how i can do this.



    We are aware of the issue Please create a new topic instead of adding onto 2-year-old threads. Closing this thread.

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