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Group + Forum Directory not accepting new topics or docs

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  • @dcavins


    Make sure bbconfig.php has the correct database info in it (that file must be in the root of the web space). I had the same problem when moving from local testing to an actual server.



    Hi dcavins

    Thanks, but how do we check that bbconfig.php has the correct database info?
    Is there a previous posting that explains the steps?




    We have looked at various posts in the help forums but they were either unresolved or written in technical terms we could not understand.



    Find bb-config.php file in your server, usually where you will find wp-config.php file

    Open it up and double-check database information is correct. Basically, should be the same database info in your wp-config.php file.

    If database info is correct, did you enable your Group’s Forum?



    I get the same… I’ve checked my bb-config and followed the directions in the link. I have deleted the database and deleted the config file to start from scratch but get the same results.



    Hi @mercime,

    Having difficulty finding the wp-config.php file in the server.
    Looked in all the folders under wp-admin & wp-content and can’t see a wp-config.php file.

    We have enabled the Group Forum and have the forum set up correctly in BuddyPress.

    Any further tips please?

    ps: Cannot open a new ticket in our development tracker – it won’t let me in with login requested!



    @fswd wp-config.php along with bb-config.php (group forums installed) should be at the root of where you installed WP/BP.
    e.g. Installed WP/BP
    – at then wp- and bb-config.php at
    – at then at
    – at then at



    @mercime Ok, we’re getting there! We are relative novices at this.
    (might also be useful for @clubugly)

    We have copied the contents of wp-config.php + bb-config.php via FTP
    See it here: [deleted]

    Are you suggesting we copy the contents of wp-config.php and overwrite the contents of bb-config.php?




    == Are you suggesting we copy the contents of wp-config.php and overwrite the contents of bb-config.php? ==

    Not at all.

    What I’m saying is that the DB info in wp-config.php should be the same as the DB info in the generated bb-config.php file which you would see if the installation of the group forums was successful. Double-check your database if 7 yourPrefix_bb_… tables were generated, though I doubt it at this point.

    What you can do is delete the incomplete bb-config.php file you have in server. Then go to dashboard menu BuddyPress > Forums and re-run installation of Group Forums.



    @mercime The DB files on the server match now.
    We have un-installed and re-installed bp Forums for Groups but no change yet.

    Perhaps the DB changes take a while to kick in? We’ll check again tomorrow and let you know.



    @mercime Still no joy with this I’m afraid.
    Just tried adding a new forum topic and the same error appears.

    We are at a loss :-(



    @fswd you mentioned that you set up the forum correctly (in your first post), did you enable forums for each group in e.g. GroupName > Admin ?



    @mercime Yes we enabled forums for each group in the original setup and have re-checked these are correct now. Still no joy!

    We still have no resolution of this problem. Can anyone advise further please?



    I’m facing a similar problem!
    Whenever i try to create a new forum it showed me an error
    “error when creating a new topic”
    It created for certain groups but couldnt create for others and newly formed groups.. I tried all
    1.Delete groupmeta
    2.Deactivate and reactivate forums and nothing seemed to work!!!
    I queried these lines in the db
    “SELECT *
    FROM wp_bp_groups_groupmeta
    WHERE meta_key = ‘forum_id’
    LIMIT 0 , 30″
    It returned
    “import.php: Missing parameter: import_type
    import.php: Missing parameter: format”

    Well i came into this forum to post and read about bb-config.php
    Yes,the details didnt match with wp-config!
    I changed but it still didnt work even after deactivate and reactivate forums step!!!
    I now deleted bb-config and tried to re-install forums and funny thing here shows that i donot have sufficient permissions to install!!!
    “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
    What’s going on with my BP???
    Any ideas anyone please???
    Am not sleeping since two weeks,just going mad at this!!!



    i have same problem. please help.

    i delete the buddypress and bb config.php from my server and all bb tables from data base.

    why when i want to re install buddypress the instalation wizard not shown?
    and when i go to the forums section in buddypress setting to creat Forums for shown
    this words “
    “(Installed) Forums for Groups

    and the install new group forum button is not shown????
    pleas help


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