group slugs when i18n environment
I’m running this in Japanese and noticed that group names entered in Japanese will produce quite long URLs. As administrator, I think I can manually edit slugs via phpmyadmin, but in the future it would be nice to see a function where user can decide their own group slugs.
i’ve the exact same problem in my site. Language i’m using is hindi .I would like to see an option to edit slugs. Is this problem with Group only for you? I’ve issue with Category also. anyidea how to edit Category slug? I do not see an option either in new or in edit menus!
I’m bumping this, as this issue is critical for non English bp users around the world.
Or if anybody know any wordpress hack to make wordpress understand i18n slugs just as good as wikipedia, please let us know.
This hack in the core would probably make buddypress global.
From a quick Google search it appears that, yes, WordPress slug titles need to be improved to support i18n efforts. All the WordPress slugs – including the BuddyPress group threads – go through sanitize_title().
A patch for sanitize_title() to support i18n slug names for the WordPress core is the way to go. I don’t understand what’s required as I do not know much about i18n, so I’m leaving this alone.
BIG bump ….
I hope some of those $29,500,000 Matt Mullenweg has raised for WordPress/Buddypress goes into an internationalizing campaign.
I would like to see a mature MULTI-LINGUAL environment … not just single stand alone versions (… my interest is in Chinese, Korean and Japanese versions).
To be honest, given that Web 2.0 is all about “communication” … would not it be wonderful is we could build multi-national communities?
Sure it even makes sense from a business point of view given the size of those markets.
If WP/BP will never hack it … can anyone recommend any other native language blogs/CMS packages?
No one is forcing you to use WordPress and BuddyPress, and if it doesn’t suit your particular needs then it isn’t the right tool for the job, and that’s okay.
Multilingual blogging and content management is a relatively new need, and as more people speak up and help out in areas of need, things like this eventually do make it into the core product
Remember that there are very few people that can do multilingual development, and even less that can do it well. It isn’t that no one cares, it isn’t due to lack of funding (you mean people get paid to do this?
), it isn’t because the need isn’t obvious, it’s because things are prioritized in the order that the WordPress community votes on, and for 2.9 the votes said media was the top priority.
We’ll get there, I promise. But before we can do that, we need to finish some of the work we’ve already got first.
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