First off I would like to thank the BuddyPress team for developing an amazing tool for creating a social media network. For the past 4 months I’ve been developing a companion site for a magazine that we’re launching here in Hoboken, NJ. Using BuddyPress, WordPress MU, and a ton of various jqueries, I designed a site allowing our future readers to join in our community, add events, classifieds, images, and post comments on our articles. The site is set to launch in a few days:
The current front page: http://www.h-mag.com/temp
and our community: http://www.h-mag.com/community
Looking great. One more example what can be done using this software. Hoping mine will be ready sometime in the near future as well.
Nice. Good to see someone do some real theme work (not just colors).
Are you using bp-events? The latest trunk lists the directory view by date. Much better than by active. I also added a tiny function to bp-events-templatetags.php to display event dates in the directory. I imagine this will show up in the trunk eventually. Probably just an oversight not to have a site event start date function.
function bp_the_site_event_date_start() {
echo bp_get_the_site_event_date_start();
function bp_get_the_site_event_date_start() {
global $site_events_template;
return apply_filters('bp_get_the_site_event_date_start',
date(('l M j - Y'), $site_events_template->event->date_start));
}Of course, you could use whatever date format you like. I happen to like “l M j – Y”.
In your directory loop you’d just use this to display:
<?php bp_the_site_event_date_start() ?>
Thanks David! just added. Looking at the latest trunk I see you guys have been working on a calendar for the plugin. I can’t wait
Very nice work. Makes me want to revisit my nearly-bog-standard home page and go to town on it. I think I just might do that today!
Any tips/tuts you care to share on how you did some of the neater stuff (like the modal registrations) would sure be appreciated!
One of my favorite modular lightboxes: PrettyPhoto
I redesigned a lot of the core BP components so it’d be hard for me to give a step-by-step. I’ve setup several different header / footer files using BP’s Conditional Tags.
The bets tip that I can give you is to just color outside the line. I started out by designing a wordpress template and after installing BP, I brought each directory from the default BP parent theme structure one by one and went from there. I went over every single style in the CSS file and modified each one to match the look of my theme.
@simoncreative: Just to clarify… I am NOT part of the bp-events team. I just made up that little template tag function on my own. So I don’t know for sure if it will make it into the trunk or not. Keep that in mind when updating bp-events. This is my own personal little “hack”. When I mentioned it to Erwin, he seemed to think that such a template tag function already exists. But I checked and double-checked and said function does not exist.
I couldnt post due to a small issue, but like I told you before: This is an awesome modification and I’m very impressed with the overall look and feel of your site.. best custom BP work I’ve seen so far!
@David Lewis Gotcha! sry about that
I double checked bp events and it looks like Erwin added a new filer ‘upcoming’ to the latest trunk, that’s probably what he was referring to. I added your custom function my own installation and it works like a charm! tx
@Bowe tx again! I just got through getting rid of some IE bugs such as z-index and custom submit buttons not functioning. Good ol’ ie. The site goes live tonight and we’re having a launch party tomorrow night. I hope we get some good feedback and a get this community growing.
@simoncreative It´s awesome. Like Bowe said, best custom BP work i’ve seen. I’m building a small local newspaper using WPMU+BP and i’ve been doing exactly the same thing you did: going over every single style in the CSS.
@Nervo thank you so much
Just found out that we got listed on WPMU.org’s 17 of the Best and Beautiful!. We’re all ecstatic here.
ok, so how come my site is now on that list?
p.s. re: my custom template tag above to show the start dates in the directory view… I just clued in and realized that I should be doing this in the functions.php file rather than hacking Erwin’s plugin. So here’s the function to add to the functions.php file of your theme.
function bp_the_site_event_date_start() {
echo bp_get_the_site_event_date_start();
function bp_get_the_site_event_date_start() {
global $site_events_template;
return apply_filters( 'bp_get_the_site_event_date_start', date( ('l M j - Y'), $site_events_template->event->date_start ) );
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'bp_the_site_event_date_start');Then in the event directory loop template in your theme, just call it like this
<?php p_get_the_site_event_date_start() ?>
Nicely done mate! That’s quite slick design you’ve put together. Also I like the style, that’s a similar style to how I design… 10/10
This is the best integration i have seen so far between WordPress MU and Buddypress. Great Work!
Also i do have a question, what plugin are you using for the Classified?
Is it a 3rd party script ? custom script ? or something else???
Agreed. H-mag is spectacular. I found myself spending the better part of the day poking around, earning achievements, looking through classifieds, figuring out how events work. Tried to get back to work, and here it is the evening and I’m back on h-mag spending even more time. You’ve really raised the bar, Simon. Well done!
Like, redyor, I’m dying to know how you did a bunch of these customizations — classifieds being one I’m most curious about. Is that a version of http://www.awpcp.com/ ? Something custom?
Yep – classifieds looks great and I would need something like that… How did you do it? Could that be a plugin, you would like to release
and by the way: your events are just what I am longing for!!!
Simon, that is very nice work!
@redyor tx! I build the Classifieds plugin by doing some heavy modification to the BP Events plugin.
@Ted Tx again
The JQuery for the filter effect is based off of http://www.newmediacampaigns.com/page/a-jquery-plugin-to-create-an-interactive-filterable-portfolio-like-ours
@Michael Berra Because every plugin is custom build for the h-mag template, I can’t release any of the plugins.
The calendar for BP Events plugin is based off of http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/
Thanks Simon for Sharing !
Are you referring to the following BP Events plugin?
Spent the past 3 months rebuilding h-mag.com from scratch in order to take advantage of the new BP.
Here are some new features:
1. New UI: collapse and dock widget boxes, combine some of the new jquery loading elements that came with BP 1.2., added in some of my own jquery for the nav and user navs for both logged in and guest users.
1. Events: I decided to build my own CMS system for events that’s not dependent on BP. This will save me a lot of work in the future by not having to upgrade it with future releases of BP. All events still populate the user’s name, id, etc, however, submitted events are heald for moderation within my own CMS. I also added the ability of downloading both iCal and Outlook calendar files for every event. Finally, I made use of Bing’s new API to render the location of each event.
3. Shuttle: The city of Hoboken introduced The Hop, a shuttle that runs through the city. With the help of our intern Alex Delgado, we’re not only showing an up-to-date location of the shuttle visually on a map but we’re also able to do reverse gecoding by echoing out its cross-street location.
4. I’m currently tracking the progress of BP Album and plan on intergrading it to the site soon.Inspirational
@simoncreative This is absolutely STUNNING! I can see subtle differences from the older version, so it’s really impressive how you were able to keep everything consistent with the upgrade. Big question though: How many hours do you anticipate spending on upgrading h-mag.com with every major release of BP?
Thank you
My biggest fear would be WP 3.0 and BP 1.3 released tomorrow with new features like linkedin API support, built in e-commerce, and perhaps even video streaming support.. hours? nono lol most likely weeks, maybe months
In the end, BP has opened up a world of possibilities of running your own social network, however, the designer/developer decides how to implement it into their design, which features they should tap into, and how everything should function. If an upgrade was just a click away, every BP site out there would look and function the same with perhaps a different color scheme and a different header. Fortunately, thats not the case and every new design, plugin thats contributed helps to form future releases.
I love h-mag website, congrats Simon!!! your web is the best example to show what can be done with buddypress
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