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Buddypress lost all activity stream posts

  • @igniens


    Hello, last time changes in my website on January 3 everything has worked. But now I checked my site and no activity stream posts, and also when you post new post it not apear. I tried to dissable all other plugins but it not worked. I using wordpress 4.7 and buddypress 2.7.4.

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  • @omdisa7


    same problem! Suddenly groups lost all activities 🙁




    And I have tried to dissable all plugins, and default wp theme but still not working. Just writing this because I saw developers instructions



    Yes, I can not understand the cause of the problem. Hopefully someone will help us



    I`m almost sure that couse of problem is wp update to 4.7 which happened yesterday



    Now I finded, that it shows activity close to user name when theme and rtmedia enabled you can see here
    but still no activity in buddypress activity stream you can check here
    and no posts in activity tab in wp admin panel you can check here



    Notice: Undefined variable: cache_group in /home/equestriqu/www/site/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/classes/class-bp-activity-activity.php on line 721

    Notice: Undefined variable: cache_group in /home/equestriqu/www/site/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/classes/class-bp-activity-activity.php on line 724

    Notice: Undefined variable: cache_group in /home/equestriqu/www/site/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/classes/class-bp-activity-activity.php on line 721

    Notice: Undefined variable: cache_group in /home/equestriqu/www/site/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/classes/class-bp-activity-activity.php on line 724

    Debug mode shows this when opening activity tab in admin panel



    You can open a bug ticket here.
    Be sure to include a link to this topic.



    sorry youu have troubles with BuddyPress.

    If you expect some usefull help, it would be better you give as first some important details about your installation.

    PHP version, server type, theme name…
    Do you have sme custom code in your theme or in bp-custom.php ?

    Did you followed the instruction you see from the Captcha message showed in your screen shot ?
    Have you setup permalinks and have you save them again ?
    Did you used one of BP’s repair tool ?
    How many groups do you use ? Which group type do you use ? Have you issues with all group activities or only with public groups ?

    Can you see other activities on the Site Activity or on Group Activity ?

    You should also test with a twenty theme, in any case to get sure the basic WP+BP install is working corrently, wihout any other plugin and wp-debug on, of course.

    If you use a cache plugin, clear the cache. Same thing for your browser history…

    Oh, and avoid to write Help in a topic title. You’re already on a help support, no need to rewrite it for your purpose, it doesn’t accelerate anything. 😉



    twenty fifteen theme, reinstalled buddypress, disabled all plugins, but still same. Maybe some admins can look on it, because I`m not very friendly with code?



    Ok, I thik I finded problem – I checkt my database through phpmyadmin, and it say that my bp_activity table is crashed and could not be repaired, I understand, that I will loose all my bp_activity data, but how manualy recreate that table?



    Solution was to log in to php my admin and mark table bp_activity and select repair. After it it fixed itself. Hope this will be helpfull for someone.



    @danbp thanks for help, you can add to bassic troubleshoting to check mysql databases relaeted to that problem if it`s not broken.



    The same phenomenon is occurring on my site
    Cause, probably “rt Media”



    The weirdest thing… I’m having this same issue, but….. On only of my groups…. I’ve used the buddypress tools to reinstate/repair activity.. and I also repaired my database and renewed permalinks… What the heck.. and even more weird… Its not all gone (group activity) the older stuff is all gone and ALL the videos he had posted…



    *Only on one of my groups

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