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Help needed in editing the user privacy in Buddypress.

  • Hi there,

    My developer just disappeared, and I’ve had hard time in answering hard questions from my clients. There’s one urgent thing I’d really could use your help considering privacy in Buddypress.

    I have Buddypress running as discussion forum for a group of people. They have formed their own groups and naturally have their own user accounts. They now wish, that although their groups (if not set private) would remain public for any browser to see, that their user accounts would be invisible for the unregistered users of the forum.

    Is there a way I could perform this privacy upgrade? Thanks!

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  • danbpfr



    as you can read here in the Profile Field section, since BP 1.6, each user can set his profile fields to different visibility option from within his profile option admin.

    You can also modify the template profile loop from a child theme to avoid site wide not registered users to see profiles unless they are logged in, by adding the contionnal tag if bp_user_is_logged_in.
    Add this just after the first line containing do_action and don’t forgot endif at the end of the page, just before the last do_action.

    Thank you so much!

    Heh. It didn’t take me too long before I realized I didn’t know exactly where the template profile loop should be edited. My best guess is now the location at: members/single/profile.php but that’s not the place.

    Thank you for your understanding. I’m quite the junior at this.



    the loop is in the file called profile-loop.php

    To work on it you have to create a child theme first or you will loose your modification at the next update.
    You can download the modified file from here:

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