I would appreciate pointers on this please?
This isn’t exactly what you asked for, but in lieu of that this will at least encourage completion.
Thanks for the useful tip..
I still would appreciate how I can enforce profile completion before web site (Buddypress) access please?
how did you go with this Phil?
loving the profile progression, I think forcing people to complete their profile is not a good idea.. since user will find this annoying and discourage from using the site.. my thoughts
@philsquires I agree with @Brooker Might not be the best idea. However, here is a possible solution:
Make every filed of the profile “Required”. I believe this is will not allow new users through until they are filled in. This will have no effect on current users though, Not until they visit their edit profile screen, anyway.
Good luck!
One option is to do as @embergermedia stated. To catch everyone, you could hook in a profile edit action and check to see if all the fields you require have been completed. If they have, then you could add something in their usermeta saying they’ve completed everything. Then you could hook into bp_init, check that usermeta field, and if you don’t get the correct response, then you can redirect them to their profile, or display an error telling them they need to complete their profile. However, as both @embergermedia and @brooker said, it wouldn’t be the most user friendly way to go.
Hi Brandon,
I’d love to learn more about how can I implement what you suggested (I am not a programmer, so I’d really need some code here
“hook in a profile edit action and check to see if all the fields you require have been completed. ” .. how ?!?!?
Can you help with the function pls?
“Then you could hook into bp_init, check that usermeta field, and if you don’t get the correct response, then you can redirect them to their profile, or display an error telling them they need to complete their profile.” – would be fantastic, but again … how to write that?
The issue with “friendly or not for the user” is all related with what your site wants 2 achieve; if you simply need all that information to make your site useful and do not want to end up as a fakes collection a la Facebook, than you just NEED to find a way to enforce that on users …
Thank you in advance, woudl be really great to have some feedback on that!
(I find that user progression pretty much useless, and it does not work properly in WP 3.1.2 either
); that’s just my opinion on it ..
I have juste released my own plugin BP Force Profile : https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bp-force-profile/
Thank you for your help !