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How do I show Deactivated sites in blogs_loop?

  • @buddyq


    Hi there,

    I am running multisite instllation. Users can create sites. They can see a list of their sites which points to blogs_loop inside my child theme.

    It is hiding sites that are “DELETED” or “Deactivated” in the backend. I would still like to show them these sites in the list because I am adding a “renew” button which will set it back to live. How do I get the “deleted” sites to show up in the list?

    This is the top line that brings in only the activated sites that the user owns.
    <?php if ( bp_has_blogs( bp_ajax_querystring( 'blogs' ) ) ) : ?>


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  • @buddyq


    Hey guys,

    Any help on this? Where are the developers and the help? Bueller?



    I answered my own question, so I’ll post my solution here.

    Page: /plugins/buddypress/bp-blogs/classes/class-bp-blogs-blog.php

    It’s a hack so I hope there is a way I can do this WITHOUT a hack. Someone please let me know!!!

    LINE: 236

    wb.archived = '0' AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND (wb.deleted = 0 OR wb.deleted = 1) {$hidden_sql}

    LINE: 250

    wb.archived = '0' AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND (wb.deleted = 0 OR wb.deleted = 1) {$hidden_sql}

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