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How many members can Buddypress support before it slows down?

  • @bgrun80


    The title really says it all with this one…
    How many members can Buddypress support before it slows down?

    My server is jet-fast, I’m running the latest version of IIS with the apache mod re-write patch enabled.
    Re database, I’m using Microsoft SQL Server, so that can handle a hell of a lot of db requests, but if for some reason that doesn’t
    work out, I can switch immediately to MySQL.

    What do you guys think?

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  • @andrea_r


    It;s all down to available RAM and how many visits, not users.



    Cache db requests and you can host static files on a CDN. Using a light theme as well helps. Use browser dev tools to test bottle necks in speed.



    Can BuddyPress really run on IIS and SQL Server? Even IIS and MySQL is problematic I believe.

    As was mentioned, it depends on how you optimize your site and how fast you consider Jet Fast to be.

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