Have you installed bpdev plugins in mu-plugins ?
if yes go to your wp-admin => bpdev-admin => switch on BPDEV TinyMCE
Hi, thanks for all your work and your fast answer
To be honest my bp-dev admin is just a feed reader and I’ve just fixed a simplepie bug with this method: http://buddypressdev.org/forums/topic/flickr-plugin-not-working#post-57 but it still the same
Tinymce is activated on the bpdev plugin page.Check my bpdev admin: http://www.lesitedelasneaker.com/images/bpdevadmin.JPG
Look better 
under BPDEV-Admin there is another sub item called “Plugins” click on it and activate it
Read better 
As I said in my previous post I’ve already activated the tinymce plugin under the plugin page.The plugin is in your package via svn but when I browse bp-dev.org/plugins/ I don’t see it and don’t find any documentation on that.
I throught that it will be included on the backend in a near future, but that the function was already here for thoses who wants to add it by themselves.
Have you installed bpdev plugins in mu-plugins ?
if yes go to your wp-admin => bpdev-admin => switch on BPDEV TinyMCE
works for me!
I added the BPdev plugins to /mu-plugins/ NOT /plugins/
that added an additional Menu option on the /wp-admin/ backend
from there, I am able to view all the available bpdev plugins and turn them on/off
I think you put it in the wrong spot
@Enlightenmental1: Yes, if you take a look to my website you can see some of them working.Thanks for trying to help btw.
My BP-Dev plugins are relatively correctly installed.I’ve only the youtube plugin and this one which doesn’t works.
It’s probably a conflict or a problem of configuration.
Please Nicola told me if you already have experienced some thing like that.
maybe that’s because you’re running under a subdirectory…
yes it is, report it here => http://trac.bp-dev.org/newticket
(login with bp-dev.org name&passwd)
Thanks Nicola, now I know what the problem.I’ve set my install like that because if not install wasn’t work.I report it right now.
Thanks Nicola.
It seems to do the same thing with bpdev-youtube, I add a new ticket for that.