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How to create login and register pages

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  • @shanebp


    Did you try deleting those shortcodes from those pages?
    Did you assign the Register page to BuddyPress?
    Please read this…

    BP does not handle a login page.
    There are many free WordPress plugins that handle customizing login screens.




    I ended up going with the Youzer plugin that let’s you customize the member directory, registration, and login pretty extensively. Would recommend to anyone else having a similar dilemma.



    Good to know that your problem is solved using paid plugin but If someone faces same problem it’s easy to solve.

    If you didn’t know buddypress has list of shortcodes for almost everything. Find it here –

    For Account pages below shortcodes will be handy. You just need to create new pages and paste [shortcode] in your pages.

    [bbp-login] – Display the login screen.
    [bbp-register] – Display the register screen.
    [bbp-lost-pass] – Display the lost password screen.

    to set dynamic login pages follow below.

    1) From your admin dashboard goto settings > Buddypress.

    2) look for tab named Pages.

    3) Select your register and activate pages.

    Youzer plugin will do the same but it gives you simpler interface to manage your pages.



    Dumb question, but is bbpress the same thing as buddypress? Will the bbp shortcodes work on Buddypress? Without a plugin? We have seen other references that [bc-…] are shortcodes for BuddyPress, where as [bbp-…] is for BBpress.

    Use case: We’re trying to have our own login page and hide the WordPress bar for non-admin users. The login does not need to be a login for our purposes.



    To add to the above, please note that I tried the above shortcodes *and* hid the WordPress admin bar for regular users. The Login page assigned with the [bbp-login] shortcode still showed the Register page for an unauthenticated user. I’m struggling to show the login form without showing the WP admin bar at the top of the page.

    I strongly suspect that users will be confused by a WordPress-wide login and would like to keep this to regular users registering within the confines of this site without a separate overarching WordPress menu. It’s fine if that winds up being a WordPress login, but I would like for these to be located in-page rather than in a separate menu.

    I’m using BuddyPress 8.0.0 and the latest version of WordPress.



    Soory, I am lost.

    You just need to create new pages and paste [shortcode] in your pages.

    I “just need to” is perfect wording w/o contend. When I create a new page in WordPress and add shortcode the published page will display the shortcode, i.e. [bbp-register].

    No help here?



    Thank you for the concise and clear explanation of the information



    Thanks, that was useful information



    Hi, this thread helped me fixed a question to get login page sorted – many thanks.

    Just a follow up though. Is it possible to get a button/link to display on the login page to the “forgot password” page? 🤔

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