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How to customize my registration page

  • jomsi


    Hello Buddypress community,

    I am beginner with that plugin and I would like to know if there is a way to assign a template to my registration page, and to activation page as well.

    Right now I just can see a slug to define in my settings, that’s it.

    Is there any plugin, add-on, code or any option that I missed that will answer to my question ?

    Thanks for your help 😉

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  • Upen Singh


    You can override the registration template in a child theme.

    Copy the registration template from wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/register.php

    Paste it into your theme folder in wp-content/themes/your-theme/buddypress/members/register.php.
    Modify the HTML, PHP, or structure in the file as needed.



    I will try it, thank you



    I also want to edit the registration page and customise the messages on it and the way it looks, so I tried this too. What I did was, I created a child theme in its own separate folder called buddyx-child. Since the steps say to

    `Paste it into your theme folder in wp-content/themes/your-theme/buddypress/members/register.php.

    I created a folder called “buddypress” in the child theme folder, then in that folder, created a folder called “members”, and copied and pasted the “register.php” file there and made my edits there. I typed some test messages using the paragraph HTML tag <p> and the message shows on the registration page, BUT the visual layout of the page changes. I don’t know why that is when it’s supposed to inherit the CSS from the parent theme. If I move the “register.php” file out of the buddypress/members/ directory and put it directly in my “your-theme” (ie my child theme) directory, then it doesn’t work at all and the child theme just inherits the original registration page.

    Anyone with any ideas?

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