You mean top left of theme? That’s an image – you’ll find it in /wp-content/bp-themes/buddypress-member/images/logo.gif.
Just changing the image doesnt seem to work because the image gets clipped. I guess some CSS also has to be changed. Does anyone know what code needs to be tweaked to affect the logo?
The image is located in two places:
There shouldn’t be any clipping if you create the new image with the same dimensions as the existing image: 214×29 pixels.
Thats true, however my new logo image needs to be larger. What would I need to change to avoid clipping the new image? Thanks.
You also have to change the CSS file (base.css) so that it \\\”knows\\\” how large your logo is … I changed mine to be slightly taller than the stock logo for BuddyPress. Here is the code and what I did … this is just below the comment for HEADER:
#header {
padding: 25px 20px;
#header h1 a {
text-indent: -999em;
background: url(../images/logo.gif) top left no-repeat;
overflow: hidden;
width: 214px;
height: 55px;
display: block;
float: left;
Try that and see if it works. Good luck!
Thanks Kitwit, Ill try this out. I guess you have to change this for both the member and home theme?
Kitwit, that worked thanks. However, I am still confused about where the bpmember theme is used and where the bphome theme is used. Right now, I just changed the base.css files for both themes.
Hey, Actually I did find it after I posted the last message. Thanks. All this time, I thought the member theme was for individual blogs.
Ok i think it can be marked as solved
Hi, I had the same problem, I solved it, but I notice that when I go to the members, group and blogs areas the logo is still cut off. I suppose that I should make the same change somewhere else, but… where?
Thank you for any help! 
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