how to design a mobile site for my buddypress site
hi there, i am designing a mobile site for my social networking site that was created using wordpress and buddypress. the thing is, there are some few obstacles that i am meeting. 1 how to code the comment_action.php file that allows members to comment and also allows activity stream, allows threaded comments, and activity streaming.
2 profile_action.php file that allows users to edit, change avatars, hide some details from people and view other people’s profiles.
3 mesages_action.php file that allows members to send and receive personal mesages form their friends or any other member.
4 login_action.php that connects and checks whether the user is a registered member and validates the login. also the forgot password_action.php for changing the pass, and the register_action.php for registering users and creating their account, saving user name/ pass word in database
5 images.php and images_action.php. these are supposed to create a facebook like album for users and also an option for other members to comment on them. Remember, this is a mobile site for my wordpress buddypress social site
if there is anyone who can help me get these codes, then i would really appreciate it since i have been stuck for more than 4 months. am also having an issue with the way buddypress is displaying user’s status even to the logged out members. i wanted to code a html or php file that combines log in and sign up page but the problem is that i cant locate the necessary action.php files for login and register files. anybody.
about the mobile issue, if someone has another opinion that can help me then i would be glad to hear it. the site is at
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