Give this a shot – it links the user avatar (by user ID) to that member’s profile page (this example pulls from the user with the ID of 3) –
<?php global $bp; ?>
<a href="<?php echo bp_core_get_userurl($userid=3) ?>"
title="<?php bp_core_get_user_displayname( $userid=3, true ) ?>">
<?php echo bp_core_get_avatar( $userid=3, 1 ) ?></a>
I bet there’s a cleaner way to go about it – but it should get ya started
Thank you Lisa, that rocks.
So if you want to have an author widget in a user’s blog sidebar, here’s an approach:
$userid = 2; // set user_id
$bp_status = get_usermeta( $userid, 'bp_status' ); // get_usermeta(userid,'metakey');
if( $bp_status['content'] && is_home() ){ // if there is a status set && we are on blog's home
<!-- Status Updates -->
<div class="sidebarbox">
<span class="alignleft">
<a href="<?php echo bp_core_get_userurl( $userid ) ?>"
title="Profil von <?php echo bp_core_get_user_displayname( $userid, true ) ?>">
<?php echo bp_core_get_avatar( $userid, 1 ) ?></a>
<?php echo $bp_status['content']; ?>
<span style="display: block; clear: both;"><!-- clear --></span>
<?php } // endif ?>
Am I really the first one who thought about this?
A “cleaner” way would be highly welcome.
M@rk – seems so
Looks pretty much how I’m doing it for a client site currently – – they have 4 main Contributors who publish to the main blog and they wanted a section in the sidebar called “Contributor Corner” that displays each of the 4 contributor avatars (clickable to their profile page) shown next to their latest status update from their profile.
I’ve done something like this in the past… It all depends on which file you’re trying to do this in, and in which loop so you know what data you have available to you…
In a post loop, you can use the global $authordata to get the authors ID.
// Code borrowed from bp_adminbar_authors_menu()
function bp_author_link() {
global $authordata;
// Get author's data BuddyPress style
$author = new BP_Core_User( $authordata->ID );
echo '<a href="' . $author->user_url . '">';
echo $author->avatar_mini;
echo ' ' . $author->fullname;
echo '<span class="activity">' . $author->last_active . '</span>';
echo '</a>';
This way it’s tucked in a function that can be re-used in various other pages and ways.
Thank you so much John James –
since functions like bp_core_get_avatar() are lost in BP 1.2*, you definitely made my day!
*) undefined even with BuddyPress backwards compatibility plugin
Please permit one more question: how can I fetch/ display a specific user’s latest update (instead of $author->last_active, like in your example – now, in BP 1.2)!?
I’ve been looking through bp-core-classes.php, searching for something like
$author = new BP_Core_User( $user_id);
echo $author->user_update;
to work… no success.
Thanks in advance!