HOW TO: Install BPDEV Plugins
Hi guys,
lots of people are asking me how to install BPDEV Plugins ( )
=== What are they? ===
BPDEV Plugins is a set of plugins that extends BuddyPress feautures, it contains various and good plugins (i hope
They are:
BPDEV Core that runs core for BPDEV Plugins
BPDEV Admin that adds an admin panel to activate/deactivate plugins
BPDEV TinyMCE that add visual editor to wires and topic/post writing
BPDEV Theme that allows to add simply new stylesheet and some theme tweaks
BPDEV Autosuggest & Search that adds an ajax members&group search
BPDEV Aggregator (will be finished as soon (it’s flickr, youtube, twitter all in one))
BPDEV Widgets that adds widget-ready areas and asap a set of widgets like the ones in bpdev
This plugins are finished but still in testing : BPDEV Subscribe (allows users to subscribe to wpmu blogs and show wich blog they’ve subscribed in their profiles) and BPDEV Group Extra (adds extra field as XProfile)
* Open the terminal and go to /my-installation-path/wp-content/mu-plugins
* Create a dir called svn-bpdev and checkout svn
o $ mkdir svn-bpdev
o $ cd svn-bpdev/
o $ svn co .
o $ cp -rf bpdev-* ../
* Keep BPDEV Plugins ever up to date
o Go to /my-installation-path/wp-content/mu-plugins
o $ cp -rf svn-bpdev/bpdev-* .
* Activate and Deactivate plugins in your dashboard (WP Admin->BPDEV Plugins->Plugins)
If you want use zip here is the last trunk zip
help on irc on freenode at #buddypress, in this forum, in bpdev forum
Bug Reporting here
Thanks to all
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