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How-To integrate Buddypress into a Pre-Existing WordPress site?

  • Psyber


    I am running WP 2.9.1 and I just activated BP 1.2 Beta on my test site.

    I have developed several wordpress sites for which I would like to integrate Buddypress. I want to use my themes, with BP’s functionality. I am failing to grasp this concept, is it imperative that I use a BP theme?

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  • designodyssey


    Good luck, I’m looking for the same answer. I appreciate all the work that went into the new BP theme, but I want to use the WP theme and add content from some of the components. I sorta learned how this was done pre-1.2, but not sure how the detection works if the theme files are in the plugin folder and you’re not using BP-parent as the parent theme.

    Someone will hopefully help soon.



    same purpose by me

    I just want to organise my registred users on a BP groups basis, the others BP functions aren’t needed.

    I’d rather not have to build a child theme, because of the many functions implemented on my actual wp theme (and my fear of CSS).

    Waiting for a little tutorial on how to do that and ready to test/help.

    A plain WordPress theme won’t have any of the necessary template tags and loops and such to display your BuddyPress content. So you have to either add the functionality and templates your need to your current WordPress theme *or* use the BuddyPress default theme and rework it (via a child preferable) to make it look like your current theme.



    I sorta get this, but here’s my concern. I’m using Hybrid Framework which needs to be the parent. I will make a child theme based on it. Ideally, I’d like to put the BP “stuff” in the child so upgrading Hybrid won’t screw up anything (Andy said something about this being an acceptable approach in another thread). Also, if/when Justin adds BP capabilities to Hybrid, I can just delete the BP functionality in the child.

    If I do this, I probably need to take the functions/templates from BP parent and put them with WP child. I’m fine with this too (although painful on upgrade). My question is about where BP is looking for things. If it’s looking in the plugin folder and I have the files/functions in the WP child theme folder, will that work???

    Before I go ripping out BP parent files and inserting them into WP child folder, I’d like to know.

    To hush the “No BuddyPress theme” nag you need to add a “buddypress” tag to your theme css header.

    If you want to use BuddyPress with an existing WordPress theme you need to copy over the theme files. You’ll need to adjust the HTML to match you theme though.

    This is never going to be the ideal way to do things though, the best experience with BuddyPress is always going to be building a site from scratch with BuddyPress in mind.



    Thanks Andy




    Thanks. I can probably figure out what you meant by this last post. I’ll look for a buddypress tag in the css header of the parent/child. I agree this will probably never be ideal as anytime there is a struggle between two ‘parents.’ Code mirroring life.



    In child theme’s style.css, add BuddyPress tag ala bp-classic’s style.css where at top you see

    Tags: buddypress, three-columns, white, orange

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