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How to move BuddyPress installation?

  • I installed WP and BP in a subdomain so I could install edit and test it behind the scenes with a few of my regular users. Can I move this the same way I would move WP out of a subdomain without any issues, or should I be doing this a special way because of BP?
    The only thread I found on this is almost 2 years old, and the link that is supposed to have the answer is broken.

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  • techguy


    If you want to move it to a new server. You can move it just like WordPress. If you mean that you want to move it from a subdomain to the main domain (or something like that), then you must be a very brave person to do that. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but I haven’t seen any easy ways to do it. BP relies heavily on the URL structure and changing that after the fact is problematic.

    Well, thanks for the info. Really wish I chose a better sub directory lol.



    Follow up: Were you able to move it? I am in a similar boat.

    Yeah, I’m about to move mine as well. Did it work alright for you? How’d you do it?



    Really all you have to do is move the folders and files and the wp database that backs it and then you update the settings in the wp-config.php file

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